The Limited Times

Patuelli's warning: 'Problems if the war blocks Suez' - News

1/13/2024, 4:37:18 PM

Highlights: Patuelli's warning: 'Problems if the war blocks Suez' - News. 'It would lead to an increase in costs, then to a resumption of inflation' (ANSA). The president of the Italian Banking Association, Antonio Patuelli, from Florence, is sounding the alarm for the global economy. If the conflict in the Middle East were to block 'the Red Sea and the two Suez canals, forcing trade to circumnavigate Africa instead of passing through Suez', there could be'strong risks of rising costs'

'It would lead to an increase in costs, then to a resumption of inflation' (ANSA)

The president of the Italian Banking Association, Antonio Patuelli, from Florence, is sounding the alarm for the global economy. If the conflict in the Middle East were to widen and come to block 'the Red Sea and the two Suez canals, forcing trade to circumnavigate Africa instead of passing through Suez', for the president of the Italian banking association there could be 'strong risks of rising costs, of a recovery in inflation'.

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