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Renzi, Meloni spends more than all previous premiers - Breaking news

1/13/2024, 10:37:02 AM

Highlights: Renzi, Meloni spends more than all previous premiers. The costs of Palazzo Chigi are clear: with Meloni (€21 million) more is spent than with Draghi, Conte, Gentiloni and - last but not least - with my government (€12 million) "They cut $25 million from the anorexia fund but increase spending on their staff. I'm shameless," says Renzi, who is leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi on X.

"Giorgia Meloni spends more than all previous prime ministers. The costs of Palazzo Chigi are clear: with Meloni (€21 million) more is spent than with Draghi, Conte, Gentiloni and - last but not least - with my government (€12 million). (ANSA)

"Giorgia Meloni spends more than all previous premiers. The costs of Palazzo Chigi are clear: with Meloni (€21 million) more is spent than with Draghi, Conte, Gentiloni and - last but not least - with my government (€12 million).
They cut $25 million from the anorexia fund but increase spending on their staff. I'm shameless." This was written by the former prime minister and leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi on X.

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