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Role model, comforter and friend: Maria Höfl-Riesch particularly appreciated Franz Beckenbauer's character

1/13/2024, 8:09:19 AM

Highlights: Maria Höfl-Riesch and Franz Beckenbauer often crossed paths at sporting events, at balls and galas. The two sports greats will meet again before the start of the Bundesliga in 2015. "Many an athlete could take a leaf out of his book today," says the 39-year-old former ski racer from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. "He's always remained so normal and so down-to-earth. I don't know of any other world athlete like this who has been like that"

Last updated: 13.01.2024, 09:00 a.m.

By: Christian Fellner

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Grand gesture: Franz Beckenbauer embraced Maria Höfl-Riesch in 2011 after a World Cup disappointment. © Imago

Maria Höfl-Riesch (39) remembers her time with football legend Franz Beckenbauer - and how the "Kaiser" surprised her when she chose the manager.

Kitzbühel/Garmisch-Partenkirchen – It has not been a good start to this year for Maria Höfl-Riesch. Of course, you can't say that in such a general way. But on one particular point, for sure: she has lost a friend. Yes, Franz Beckenbauer was certainly such a player for the former ski racer from Garmisch-Partenkirchen. After all, the football emperor, who died a few days ago at the age of 78, was not just another client of her husband Marcus, who advises well-known sports greats as a manager. He was much more than that. For the three-time Olympic champion of 2010 and 2014, she is also a "real role model".

Maria Höfl-Riesch: "Many an athlete could take a leaf out of his book today"

The now 39-year-old refers this primarily to his character. All the success in his career, as a footballer as a coach or later as a much sought-after legend, has never spoiled it for Franz. "He's always remained so normal and so down-to-earth. I don't know of any other world athlete like this who has been like that," emphasizes Höfl-Riesch. "And when he was supposed to sign 100 autographs, he took his time until the last one, he was always friendly." Virtues that can only be emulated, says the Werdenfels native, who has lived with her husband in the Tyrolean luxury ski resort of Kitzbühel for many years. And she can't resist a remark: "Many an athlete could take a leaf out of his book today."

Even on a footballing mission, the two sports greats will meet again from time to time: before the start of the Bundesliga in 2015, the two sports greats will meet again. © Imago

Admittedly, Höfl-Riesch and Beckenbauer often crossed paths. At sporting events, at balls and galas, when it came to football, FC Bayern, for example, which the ski racer followed live from time to time. But also at its own events such as the ski triathlon, which Höfl-Riesch set up for the first time in 2019 with other former sports greats in Ellmau. "Even then, he was still there." At well over 70 years of age. 110,000 euros were raised at this charity event alone for the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, which supports social sports projects for disadvantaged children and young people in Germany and Austria.

Franz Beckenbauer was a frequent attendant of Maria's World Cup races

But also at the big competitions of Höfl-Riesch the emperor was often even "live". Experienced dazzling moments, but also gave comfort, as on February 11, 2011. The year of the home World Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. A tremendous pressure situation for the local hero, who also fell ill before the first races. When she missed the podium in her discipline, the super combined, which was made for her and in which she won two Olympic gold and a world championship title in her career, she took Beckenbauer in her arms and hugged her. Two years later in Schladming, the two were more fortunate. There they celebrated bronze together in the downhill.

That's what glitters the precious metal: Two years after the home World Championships, it works out with bronze in the downhill. Both of them celebrate this together in Schladming. © Imago

Höfl-Riesch doesn't remember exactly when she first met Franz Beckenbauer. However, she does remember one particular experience. "I got a call and the man on the phone said, 'Hello, I'm Franz Beckenbauer.' At first, she wasn't sure if it wasn't a joke. But he was. And what did the celebrity on the other end of the line want? "He persuaded me that Marcus Höfl was a good manager and that I should choose him." Höfl-Riesch had several options at the time. "But he said he was a good guy and I should definitely take him." Pretty quickly everything took its course after that. Höfl-Riesch followed Beckenbauer's advice, soon fell in love with the manager – and in April 2011 they got married in Going. Of course, the Emperor was present at the celebration.

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In recent years, meetings have become rarer. "He wasn't doing so well anymore," says Höfl-Riesch. Beckenbauer's appearances in public became rare. The last time the former sports greats faced each other was on January 6, 2023: at the carp dinner in Kitzbühel. For Höfl-Risch, one thing is certain: there is not often someone like "Franz" in the world.

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