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Taiwan: polls closed, presidential result expected in the evening - Last hour

1/13/2024, 8:37:00 AM

Highlights: Taiwan: polls closed, presidential result expected in the evening. No exit polls are expected. The favorite, according to the latest polls 10 days ago, would be William Lai of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the current vice president. Hou Yu-ih, the candidate of the KMT nationalists, who would be just behind. Then, KoWen-je, of the People's Party (TPP).All rights reserved © Copyright ANSA 2013. All rights reserved.

Taiwan voted today in the crucial presidential election of the island's young democratic history, the eighth overall, along with parliamentary elections for the renewal of the 113 seats of the Legislative Yuan. (ANSA)

Taiwan voted today in the crucial presidential election of the island's young democratic history, the eighth overall, along with parliamentary elections for the renewal of the 113 seats of the Legislative Yuan. The polls closed at 16 p.m. local time (9 a.m. in Italy) with the start of the counting of the ballots, but no exit polls are expected.
The results of the unpredictable three-way race for the top office, closely followed by Washington, Beijing and other capitals, are expected to be known in the evening. The favorite, according to the latest polls 10 days ago, would be William Lai of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the current vice president. Behind him is Hou Yu-ih, the candidate of the KMT nationalists, who would be just behind. Then, KoWen-je, of the People's Party (TPP).

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