The Limited Times

Trump to pay $400,000 to the NYT for a lost cause - Breaking News

1/13/2024, 1:57:04 PM

Highlights: Trump to pay $400,000 to the NYT for a lost cause. tycoon had accused the newspaper and his niece Mary Trump of "plotting" to obtain his tax documents in 2018 for a series of articles that won the Pulitzer Prize. The lawsuit alleged that three journalists had relentlessly persecuted his niece, with whom the former president has been at odds for some time. Democratic Justice Robert Reed dismissed the lawsuit, deeming the arguments invalid and recognizing "the right of journalists to engage in their work under the First Amendment"

New troubles for Donald Trump. The former president was ordered to pay the New York Times nearly $400,000 in legal fees for a $100 million lawsuit lost by the former president. This was reported by the American media. (ANSA)

New troubles for Donald Trump.
The former president was ordered to pay the New York Times nearly $400,000 in legal fees for a $100 million lawsuit lost by the former president. This was reported by the American media.
The tycoon had accused the newspaper and his niece Mary Trump of "plotting" to obtain his tax documents in 2018 for a series of articles that won the Pulitzer Prize. In particular, the lawsuit alleged that three journalists had relentlessly persecuted his niece, with whom the former president has been at odds for some time, and had convinced her to hand over the documents "in revenge".
Democratic Justice Robert Reed dismissed the lawsuit, deeming the arguments invalid and recognizing "the right of journalists to engage in their work under the First Amendment of the Constitution."

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