The Limited Times

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: reshuffle, announcement effect and legacy

1/14/2024, 7:37:49 AM

Highlights: Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, until then Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, has been promoted. She has also inherited the portfolios of Education and Youth. Never, perhaps, has sport been so well off in France since the Paris Games were announced in 2007. The new government was unveiled on Thursday evening, and there was a lot of interest in the famous government ministries, the inevitable heavyweights, the political colours and parity. Suffice it to say that there was little talk of Amélie Oudé a Castéra.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of Sports and Games, has been promoted: she has also inherited the portfolios of Education and Youth

Watching and listening to the columnists on the news channels commenting on political life gives an idea of what part of the country (and its media) think, or rather don't think for that matter, about sport and the Games in Paris. On Thursday evening, when the new government was unveiled, there was a lot of interest in the famous government ministries, the inevitable heavyweights, the political colours and parity.

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In short, they were debating essential things, or rather everything that feeds the airwaves and which is not necessarily the essence of politics. Suffice it to say that there was little talk of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. However, AOC, until then Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, has been appointed Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and the Olympic Games. A real promotion. This is all the more a sign as she is now in 4th place in the order of protocol. Never, perhaps, has sport been so well off.

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