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Raisi, normalizing relations with Israel does not give security - Last hour

1/14/2024, 11:46:56 AM

Highlights: Raisi, normalizing relations with Israel does not give security - Last hour. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has stated that those seeking to normalize relations with the "Zionist regime" should know that this does not create security for either the countries in the region or Israel. This was reported by the IRNA news agency. Speaking at the Al-Aqsa Flood event, Raisi said Iran had made the Palestinian issue "the most important in the Islamic world" and praised Iran for leading the fight against Israel.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has stated that those seeking to normalize relations with the "Zionist regime" should know that this does not create security for either the countries in the region or Israel. This was reported by the IRNA news agency. (ANSA)

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that those seeking to normalize relations with the "Zionist regime" should know that this does not create security for either the countries of the region or Israel. This was reported by the IRNA news agency. Speaking at the Al-Aqsa Flood event, Raisi said Iran had made the Palestinian issue "the most important in the Islamic world" and praised Iran for leading the fight against Israel. "Iran's resistance has paid off," he said, "the Palestinians, on their own initiative, have turned the war with stones into a war with missiles and drones."

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