The Limited Times

"Competition is fierce for good returns": life insurance is attractive again

1/15/2024, 7:38:02 PM

Highlights: "Competition is fierce for good returns": life insurance is attractive again. Euro funds are experiencing historic rate hikes. Last year, the euro fund returned an average of 1.9% (before social security contributions of 17.2%). For 2023, average yields are expected to fluctuate between 2.5% and 2.7% according to Good Value for Money's forecasts. The first rate announcements for 2023 are around 3% for a large number of players: Garance, La France mutualiste, MACSF and Generali at 3.10%, GMF Vie at 2.80%.

ANALYSIS - Faced with competition from term deposits and Livret A, insurers are redoubling their efforts. Euro funds are experiencing historic rate hikes.

Savers can rub their hands together. The euro fund of their life insurance policy is back on track. The first rate announcements for 2023 are around 3% for a large number of players: Garance at 3.50%, La France mutualiste at 3.70%, MACSF and Generali at 3.10%, GMF Vie at 2.80%, Milleis Vie at 2.75%...

In 2020 and 2021, this flagship savings investment, which is guaranteed with a lump sum, yielded a meagre 1%. Those days now seem to be over. "Remuneration is going to be remarkable this year," says Antoine Delon, president of broker Linxea. Insurers are making efforts to remain attractive in a rapidly changing interest rate environment. And that's good news for savers."

Read alsoLife Insurance: Finally a Rate Hike for Savers

Yield increases were of the order of 0.8% year-on-year. Last year, the euro fund returned an average of 1.9% (before social security contributions of 17.2%). For 2023, average yields are expected to fluctuate between 2.5% and 2.7%, according to Good Value for Money's forecasts...

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