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100-year weather calendar with a clear forecast – this is how warm spring 2024 will be

1/15/2024, 9:17:29 PM

Highlights: 100-year weather calendar with a clear forecast – this is how warm spring 2024 will be. 100-year calendar was written at the end of the 19th century by an abbot, Mauritus Knauer. The weather calendar, also known as the farmer's calendar, is based on the constellation of the planets and is a book that, in conjunction with observations and experiences of people, gives a weather forecast for individual years, seasons, months and even days. In addition to the weather forecast, the calendar also provides information on cultivation and possible pest infestation.

Status: 15.01.2024, 21:59 PM

By: Juliane Reyle

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Sunshine and spring fever or snow, rain and thunderstorms? This is the weather forecast of the centennial calendar for the spring of 2024.

After a rainy autumn and winter, many are hoping for a summery spring. But will the weather in Germany really get warmer, more summery and sunnier soon? The "100-year calendar" writes about the year 2024 that it will be dry rather than wet and generally rather moderately warm - this also reads in the weather forecast of the 100-year calendar for 2024. In addition to winter fans, summer fans will also get their money's worth: According to the farmer's calendar, spring will be changeable. reports on the exact forecast of the popular weather calendar.

100-year calendar with a clear weather forecast – this is how warm spring 2024 will be

In Germany and throughout the northern hemisphere, the 2024 calendar spring begins on Wednesday, March 20. At this time, it should be quite humid at first, but "well-tempered". The meteorological beginning of spring is already earlier, on March 1st. Weather in extreme form is not to be expected in March for the time being.

The Centennial Calendar

The 100-year calendar was written at the end of the 19th century by an abbot, Mauritus Knauer. The weather calendar, also known as the farmer's calendar, is based on the constellation of the planets and is a book that, in conjunction with observations and experiences of people, gives a weather forecast for individual years, seasons, months and even days. In addition, the calendar gives tips for cultivation and warns of possible pests or vermin.

But it could be summery warm as early as April. The "100-year calendar" announces a typical April weather. According to the saying "April, April, April, he does what he wants", rain and cold should regularly alternate with summer temperatures and sunshine. According to the weather calendar, there can also be bangs from 18 April: Until 22 April, there may be isolated thunderstorms. Rain, snow, hail are not uncommon at this time of year.

Frost in spring – 100-year calendar with changeable weather forecast

While the first half of May 2024 is expected to be very mixed according to the weather calendar, but rather warm, it can really cool down again towards the end. There is even supposed to be frost at the end of May. It remains to be seen whether the Ice Saints, a well-known weather phenomenon in Germany, will come.

According to the "100-year calendar", however, the frost is expected to last well into June. The weather calendar therefore advises pet owners to be careful. For animals that are out in the pasture, this can have devastating health consequences.

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For June, which is often perceived as a summer month, but only meteorologically belongs to summer and is only summer from 21 June, the centennial calendar predicts the following weather: "sun, rain, sun, rain and towards the end a little more rain".

Spring 2024 a solar year: This is what the planets say about the weather

The spring of 2024 falls in the so-called "solar year" of the centennial calendar. To understand the centennial calendar, it is helpful to know its structure. The weather calendar is based on a seven-year cycle. The planets, the sun and the moon are assigned different positions by their orbital periods:

  • Position 1 Saturn
  • Position 2 Jupiter
  • Position 3 Mars
  • Position 4 Sun
  • Position 5 Venus
  • Position 6 Mercury
  • Position 7 Sun

In order to calculate which celestial body is assigned to which year, the following calculation helps, as the "100-year calendar" explains: the year "2024" minus 4 = 2020, the result divided by 287 is rounded down to 7. This means that in 2024 we have position 7 for the solar year.

The weather calendar has recorded the typical temperatures, weather conditions and phenomena for the different years based on observations and experiences. In addition to the weather forecast, the calendar also provides information on cultivation and possible pest infestation.

Is the weather forecast of the 100-year calendar reliable?

However, it should always be noted that the centennial calendar is not scientifically based, but is based on experience, observations and planetary constellations. However, the "German Weather Service" (DWD) points out that weather forecasts by meteorologists that go beyond a period of ten days are also inaccurate and speculative. It remains to be seen whether the weather forecast of the 100-year calendar for the winter is correct.

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