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Dakar: Spanish team, Falcon motorcyclist is dead - News

1/15/2024, 4:10:41 PM

Highlights: Dakar: Spanish team, Falcon motorcyclist is dead - News. Team: "Irreversible neurological damage, Carles has left us" (ANSA). Another tragedy at the Dakar.Il Spanish motorcyclists Carles Falcon, 45, according to his team, died just over a week after the crash that had left him in serious condition, during the second stage of the race. He was a smiling and always active person, he left us doing what he had always dreamed of: racing a Dakar"

Team: "Irreversible neurological damage, Carles has left us" (ANSA)

Another tragedy at the Dakar.Il Spanish motorcyclist Carles Falcon, 45, according to his team, died just over a week after the crash that had left him in serious condition, during the second stage of the race.

"On Monday, January 15, Carles passed away - is the note of the Twin Trail Team - The medical team confirmed that the neurological damage caused by the cardio-respiratory arrest during the accident is irreversible. He was a smiling and always active person, he left us doing what he had always dreamed of: racing a Dakar"

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