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Ferragni, it will be the prosecutor of the Court of Cassation to decide on jurisdiction - News

1/15/2024, 7:28:50 PM

Highlights: Ferragni, it will be the prosecutor of the Court of Cassation to decide on jurisdiction. 255 reports have been submitted on the case of the "Pink Chistmas" pandoro. The issue of who should instruct the investigation arises, a question on which either Milanese deputy prosecutor Eugenio Fusco or Cuneo prosecutor Onelio Dodero could have a conflict of competence. But the problem of jurisdiction does not block the investigations that will proceed in parallel with the inspection activity of the Antitrust also on the Easter eggs produced by Dolci Preziosi.

255 reports have been submitted on the case of the "Pink Chistmas" pandoro (ANSA)

It could be the Attorney General of the Court of Cassation to untie the knot of the question of jurisdiction between Milan and Cuneo, the two prosecutors who have opened an investigation hypothesizing the accusation of aggravated fraud against Chiara Ferragni and the entrepreneur Alessandra Balocco, for the case of the branded pandoro.

While Codacons delivers 255 reports of consumers who complain of having been deceived, the issue of who should instruct the investigation arises, a question on which either the Milanese deputy prosecutor Eugenio Fusco or the prosecutor of Cuneo Onelio Dodero, to invest the prosecutor so that he expresses himself with a provision that makes definitive clarity, should raise a conflict of competence.

Among the parameters to establish who is responsible for investigating are the place where the alleged unfair profit was made and the damage which, in this case, is pulverized throughout Italy, and as a residual stake also which of the two prosecutors first enrolled the suspects.

But the problem of jurisdiction does not block the investigations that will proceed in parallel with the inspection activity of the Antitrust also on the affair of the Easter eggs produced by the Apulian company Dolci Preziosi and which concerns one of the chapters, now stopped, of the Milanese investigation.

With regard to the "Pink Christmas" pandoro project, the soldiers of the Economic and Financial Police unit of the Guardia di Finanza, in addition to the analysis of the papers, are completing the list of managers of the influencer's companies (including her right-hand man, Fabio Maria Damato) and of the Cuneo company to be summoned as witnesses. The list of texts will still have to be given the green light by Fusco.

Meanwhile, also today, Codacons has filed 255 reports, a number that is increasing day by day, of consumers who complain of having bought the Christmas cake convinced that they were purchases for charity. Many have already made it known that, in case of refreshment, they will donate the sum they will receive to the Regina Margherita hospital in Turin, the structure cited as the recipient of part of the proceeds from sales in the advertising campaign that ended up in the crosshairs of the judiciary.

Some of them, then, should be heard and make a formal complaint. In the emails collected by the consumer association, which has always been fierce against the "Ferragnez" and which before Christmas presented the complaint that led to the opening of the investigation, many felt "betrayed and cheated" by an initiative on which the judiciary will have to shed light and for which Chiara Ferragni, explaining that she acted in good faith, He apologized and donated one million euros to the Turin health facility.

Finally, trouble could also loom for Fedez: during the episode of Wild Musk, now blacked out, he took it out on a hater who insulted him and his son but posted a wrong photo pillorying the unfortunate man.

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