The Limited Times

First ruling against the increase in prepaid payments by Javier Milei's DNU

1/15/2024, 11:58:27 PM

Highlights: First ruling against the increase in prepaid payments by Javier Milei's DNU. Judge Martina Forns issued the injunction ordering a company to readjust the membership fee of a 78-year-old member. The judgment is effective only in the case of the applicant. The judge ruled in this way in a case filed by a woman in claim after the sharp increase in fees from the entry into force of the DNU, which deregulated the prepaid health system. In the presentation, the woman asks that "the increases made be rendered null and void"

Judge Martina Forns issued the injunction ordering a company to readjust the membership fee of a 78-year-old member. The judgment is effective only in the case of the applicant.

Martina Forns, Federal Judge of San Martín, issued this Monday a precautionary measure through which she ordered the Italian Charitable Society in Buenos Aires to readjust the quotas of its health plan, leaving without effect the increases made in application of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/23 of the national government. It takes effect only for the woman who made the claim.

The judge ruled in this way in a case filed by a 78-year-old member in claim after the sharp increase in fees from the entry into force of the DNU, which deregulated the prepaid health system.

In the presentation, the woman asks that "the increases made be rendered null and void" and that the "unconstitutionality" of DNU 70/23 be declared.

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