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From Prada ferns and water, the need for nature parades - Fashion

1/15/2024, 3:48:47 PM

Highlights: Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons' collection for next winter is dedicated to that 'human nature' that pushes man to remain linked to the cycles of nature. At the heart of the four-handed work of the two creatives, there is precisely "the need" to be connected to something as fundamental to our human nature as the seasons and the environment. "We wanted to talk about something relevant, it's not the time for unimportant things, we didn't want to touch on climate change, but basically we wanted to do it"

The seasons are back, Miuccia "human nature needs it" (ANSA)

In a world where there are no more intermediate steps, the seasons are back, but only on the catwalk, at Prada, where to welcome the guests of the fashion show there is an enchanted garden under glass, that of the transparent floor on which the typical office armchairs rest like seats. A scenography, the one created by Amo, which sums up the meaning and title of the collection designed by Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons for next winter, dedicated to that 'human nature' that pushes man to remain linked to the cycles of nature. At the heart of the four-handed work of the two creatives, there is precisely "the need - explains Miuccia Prada - to be connected to something as fundamental to our human nature as the seasons and the environment".

Prada's fashion show at Milan Men's Fashion - Photos -

"We wanted to talk about something relevant, it's not the time for unimportant things, we didn't want to touch on climate change, but basically we wanted to do it, because it's a relevant issue for everyone. When I saw the set, I felt a sense of menace, something scary." "There are a lot of political implications, there would be a lot to say but we don't want to get into it, I can only say - he adds - that the environment is a relevant issue". It is no coincidence that Fondazione Prada has dedicated the exhibition 'Everybody talks about the weather' to climate change, curated by Dieter Roelstraete for the Ca' Corner Della Regina in Venice.
If in the exhibition the graphs of metadata dedicated to dozens of small climatic or ecological crises, combined with the works of art, suggested the idea of the slow and inexorable progress towards the end of a certain idea of the natural world, the collection for next winter is the attempt to recover something that practically no longer exists, a world made up of climatic seasons, Not an artificial reality. "The seasons are back," says Miuccia Prada, emphasizing that "there is still a need for seasons and reality," also because the alternation of autumn and winter, spring and summer, "allows human beings to continue to look at the world with new eyes" and "fashion aspires to the same sense of renewal."

Prada men's fashion for fall - winter 2024/2025

So the garments for him for next winter "reflect the surrounding context," adds co-creative director Raf Simons. And they are influenced by it: the office and nature, the interior and the exterior, the instinctive change of people who cross these opposite spheres." Thus the guests who, welcomed in an environment that reproduces an office, complete with workstations with PCs, find themselves treading an enchanted forest, where they still find the sign of the invasion of man in nature.
And so is fashion, which combines the rigorous tweed suit with boxy jacket with slippers and balaclava, adds braided belts and large work fanny packs to the formal suit complete with a tie, to the sporty-looking trousers in textured fabric crosses lace-ups low to the ground, low as slippers. Nature and office (artifice?) meet again in the thin denim suits worn with a tie, in the double-breasted suit whose rigor is broken by the sailor's hat, in the colorful twin sets combined with tweed trousers, in bomber jackets and sports backpacks with golden buttons, to explode in the more formal suit, where jacket and tie are paired with a swim cap and woven leather slippers.

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