The Limited Times

Frozen windshield wipers: ADAC advises against common trick

1/15/2024, 6:22:58 PM

Highlights: Frozen windshield wipers: ADAC advises against common trick. Don't have a cover at hand? The ADAC suggests simple solutions and warns against an obvious tip. For the first time in 2024, snow can also be seen in the Bavarian capital Munich. Even the capital Berlin got some flakes at the beginning of the month. The General German Automobile Club, ADAC for short, warns against. paper and cardboard are "not recommended". These materials could absorb water and freeze themselves. If no cover is available, the experts there advise you to simply fold the wipers off the windshield.

Status: 15.01.2024, 19:06 PM

By: Patrick Huljina, Maximilian Kettenbach

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Don't have a cover at hand? The ADAC suggests simple solutions and warns against an obvious tip.

Munich – Winter is picking up speed again. For the first time in 2024, snow can also be seen in the Bavarian capital Munich. Even the capital Berlin got some flakes at the beginning. It is the time when many people get up in the morning and clear the car windows of snow and ice. The weather and the weather are causing problems.

Some use a specially created home remedy for this, but what many forget is that the windshield wiper also needs sensitive help. A hectic morning can have expensive consequences if you forget to remove the windshield wipers from the windshield. This is because, if the wiping system is then switched on, the rubber lips, for example, can be damaged. A similar risk exists when trying to forcibly remove the frozen windshield wipers from the windshield.

Frozen windshield wipers in winter – simple tip really ideal?

This causes annoyance, dreariness and costs. This is because the resulting damage to the rubber lips leads to decreasing wiping performance. As a result, drivers are forced to replace their windshield wipers so as not to further impair visibility in winter conditions. Worn windshield wipers are more likely to create streaks instead of providing a clear view.

Here, a simple trick is supposed to work wonders. According to life hacks and consumer portals, even a piece of cardboard or cardboard is supposed to prevent the wiper blades from freezing. To do this, it is best to clamp the box between the windshield wiper and the windshield the evening before.

ADAC thinks simple tip is wrong – and has other suggestions

But this is precisely what the General German Automobile Club, ADAC for short, warns against. It emphasizes that paper and cardboard are "not recommended". These materials could absorb water and freeze themselves. Therefore, this simple trick is more of a stopgap solution and not the best option.

Instead, the ADAC recommends the use of commercially available windscreen covers with aluminium foil. These are now widely available. "Alternatively, brochure covers under the wipers or windshield wiper covers from the car wash also provide a remedy," says the ADAC. If no cover is available, the experts there advise you to simply fold the windshield wipers off the windshield. Depending on the vehicle model, the windscreen wipers must be brought to the service position for this purpose.

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