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Hamas releases video with the bodies of two hostages - Breaking news

1/15/2024, 6:09:45 PM

Highlights: Hamas releases video with the bodies of two hostages. Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky, two of the three hostages in the video released by Hamas last night, have died. This is hinted at in a new video published in the evening by Noa Argamani, the kidnapped girl who appeared in the same video posted on Telegram by the terrorist group. In today's video - which has not been published in Israel - you can see the images of the two men, lifeless hostages.

Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky, two of the three hostages in the video released by Hamas last night, have died. (ANSA)

Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky, two of the three hostages in the video released by Hamas last night, have died. This is hinted at in a new video published in the evening by Noa Argamani, the kidnapped girl who appeared in the same video posted on Telegram by the terrorist group. In today's video - which has not been published in Israel - you can see the images of the two men, lifeless hostages. According to Argamani's account, which could not be verified, the two "were killed in two separate Israeli bombings."

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