The Limited Times

How to clean pizza stones properly – what mistakes you need to avoid at all costs

1/15/2024, 6:09:56 PM

Highlights: How to clean pizza stones properly – what mistakes you need to avoid at all costs. Most of them are made of fireclay or cordierite. The dough, very easy and quick to prepare, is baked on a pizza stone at a particularly high and uniform temperature. Due to the direct contact of the dough with the hot stone, the dough can be baked fluffy and airy. The stone removes moisture from the dough during the baking process, resulting in a crispy dough like the Italian restaurant around the corner.

Status: 15.01.2024, 19:00 PM

By: Marco Blanco Ucles

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It provides the ultimate taste explosion when eating pizza: the pizza stone. But how is it cleaned? It's simple and straightforward – actually.

Whether on a charcoal or gas grill – pizza stones can be used in many places. Most of them are made of fireclay or cordierite. The dough, very easy and quick to prepare, is baked on a pizza stone at a particularly high and uniform temperature. Due to the direct contact of the dough with the hot stone, the dough can be baked fluffy and airy, explains Grillfürst. In addition, the stone removes moisture from the dough during the baking process. The consequence is a crispy dough like the Italian restaurant around the corner.

After the enjoyable pizza tasting, however, comes the unpleasant part: cleaning the pizza stone. If you don't tackle it with a precise plan, it can quickly turn into a disaster. First of all, the stones should cool down well, especially with fireclay bricks, so you avoid tension. Unfortunately, some mistakes can be made when cleaning the pizza stones, which will permanently damage the stones:

  • Pizza stones must never be completely cleaned with water
  • Pizza stones do not belong in the dishwasher
  • With a high-pressure cleaner, you will permanently damage the pizza stone
  • Do not use chemical cleaners as they may get stuck in the stone

Clean pizza stones with a ceramic hob scraper

After baking, residue often sticks to the pizza stone. Ideally, you should remove this with a ceramic hob scraper. Do not use water. After scraping, wipe the surface with a kitchen towel. If the residue cannot be removed in this way, other methods must be used. Weber has a tip in this regard: fine sandpaper. During cleaning, however, you must only apply light pressure to the stone, otherwise you risk permanent damage to the surface.

A pizza stone provides an incomparable taste to the pizza. To get it clean again, there are a few things to keep in mind. © Pond5 Images/IMAGO

Avoiding water is one of the most important rules when cleaning the bricks – especially with firebricks. Once they soak up water, they no longer dry completely. As a result, the fireclay brick could break apart when reheated.

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The situation is somewhat different with cordierite stones. These have a coating and can therefore be cleaned with warm running water and a brush. But be careful: often only the top of these stones is coated. No water must get on the lower, uncoated side – otherwise there is a risk of the same consequences as with the firebricks.

Cleaning the pizza stone in the oven in a relaxed manner

Probably the simplest way to clean a pizza stone is pyrolysis. Some more modern ovens have this self-cleaning function. The oven heats up to over 500 degrees, and all dirt residues are burned. And don't worry: your pizza stone can withstand this temperature without any problems.

Are you still looking for new, delicious pizza recipes? We have four cookbooks with pizza recipes for you to bring Napoli directly to your home.