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In great anger: Shimon Parnas leaves Army Radio after more than 20 years | Israel Hayom

1/15/2024, 4:30:18 PM

Highlights: Shimon Parnas will soon begin broadcasting a new weekly program on Saturdays on Reshet Bet. The veteran radio broadcaster and TV presenter spoke about his decision to leave the station – and move to a competitor. "I found myself with the feeling that they were doing me a favor, that they really wouldn't bother them if I left," he said. "Army Radio was a warm home for me. Over the past decade, the relationship has deteriorated, but I knew radiophonic records with them," he added.

In a conversation with Israel Hayom, the veteran radio broadcaster and TV presenter spoke about his decision to leave the station – and move to a competitor in Reshet Bet • "I found myself with the feeling that they were doing me a favor, that they really wouldn't bother them if I left."

Shimon Parnas will soon begin broadcasting a new weekly program on Saturdays on Reshet Bet, after announcing his departure from the radio station Galei Tzahal, where he has broadcast for more than 20 years.

In a conversation with Israel Hayom, the veteran broadcaster and TV presenter spoke about the way things happened, the attitude towards him by the commanders of Galatz throughout the generations, and his approach to the corporation in an attempt to find an alternative home. "I'll start with the bottom line: I didn't want to leave," Parnas says when we asked him about the reason for the move. "Army Radio was a warm home for me. Over the past decade, the relationship has deteriorated, but I knew radiophonic records with them. She was a warm, loving and nurturing home, until things happened whose end, the end of which is my decision to cut. As far as I'm concerned, I was led there."

How did you get there?
"Over the past decade, every commander of Army Radio, from the days of Yaron Dekel through Shimon Elkabetz to Danny Zaken, the temporary subscriber of Army Radio – each of them, in their own way, narrowed my steps, and each of them cut my part of the broadcast schedule to such an extent that I retired two years ago. I found myself with the feeling that I was being done a favor by being employed in retirement. Excuse me? No one is doing me any favors. I have my skills and I have something to contribute, and whoever doesn't want to – thank you very much, I'll find another home. My feeling is that they don't care what I have and what I don't have, and that they really won't mind if I leave, maybe it will even make it easier for them. Suddenly I found myself on one hour-long program on a Friday afternoon, when I had much more to give."

Shimon Parnas (Archive), Photo: Efrat Eshel

Why Reshet B?
"They put me in Galatzi against my late father Etgar in Reshet Bet in order to compete with him. I did my best, and I think I did it well. As part of Army Radio's weakening platform, I was able to bring results. Today's Army Radio is not Reshet B. Network B is the most powerful platform. Unfortunately, Avi Etgar passed away in October. So, I contacted the corporation and asked them if they would like me to replace it. A month ago they approached me, we talked and they said they wanted me – so I'm coming. It's not about money, because money and Army Radio are funny, and the payments they make at the corporation are also funny. I want to work in a place where what I have to give is valued."

When will you start broadcasting on Reshet B?
"I'm supposed to start broadcasting there on January 27, from 14 p.m. to 00 p.m."

Army Radio said in response: "Army Radio thanks veteran broadcaster Shimon Parnas for his rich work at the station over the years, and honors his choice to embark on a new path. We wish him the best of luck."

The entrance to Army Radio, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

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