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Parsi: 'I'm better but I need to do rehab' - News

1/15/2024, 6:39:45 PM

Highlights: Parsi: 'I'm better but I need to do rehab' The political scientist thanks everyone for their support: 'Decisive' (ANSA). Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, professor of international relations and television personality, is doing better but 'a long rehabilitation period' awaits him. He himself said this from the Treviso hospital, where he underwent 'a complex and delicate emergency aortic surgery' on 28 December, performed by Dr. Francesco Battaglia of the cardiac surgery department.

The political scientist thanks everyone for their support: 'Decisive' (ANSA)

Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, professor of international relations and television personality, is doing better but 'a long rehabilitation period' awaits him. He himself said this from the Treviso hospital, where he underwent 'a complex and delicate emergency aortic surgery' on 28 December, performed by Dr. Francesco Battaglia of the cardiac surgery department directed by Professor Giuseppe Minniti.

"The operation was successful," explains Parsi, "and now a long rehabilitation period begins. In addition to thanking the professionals who helped save my life, I want to thank those who have shown me their support in recent weeks, starting with my family: you have been decisive. The appointments scheduled for the coming months - he concludes - will unfortunately have to be redefined'.

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