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Stock market: Europe closes lower, uncertain climate on rates - Breaking news

1/15/2024, 5:07:27 PM

Highlights: European stock exchanges, orphaned by Wall Street closed for Martin Luther King Day, closed the session lower. Investors saw a more uncertain mood on the rate cut. Markets are also weighed down by Germany's recession and geopolitical tensions with the attacks in Yemen.Paris (-0.72%), Frankfurt (-0 to 0.49%) and London (- 0.39%) closed negatively. Bundesbank president and ECB member Joachim Nagel said it was too early for a "rate cut" to be announced.

European stock exchanges, orphaned by Wall Street closed for Martin Luther King Day, closed the session lower as investors saw a more uncertain mood on rate cuts. (ANSA)

European stock exchanges, orphaned by Wall Street closed for Martin Luther King Day, closed the session lower with investors seeing a more uncertain mood on the rate cut. Bundesbank president and ECB member Joachim Nagel said it was too early for a "rate cut". Markets are also weighed down by Germany's recession and geopolitical tensions with the attacks in Yemen.
Paris (-0.72%), Frankfurt (-0.49%) and London (-0.39%) closed negatively.

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