The Limited Times

City medicine: when salaried workers eat away at liberals

1/18/2024, 4:55:49 PM

Highlights: The number of health centers is expanding at a time when talks are underway between health insurance and unions. A report from the Order of Physicians published in April 2023 shows that in 13 years, salaried activity has dethroned self-employed activity, all specialties combined. The first going from 41.9% in 2010 to 48.2% in 2023. The second went the opposite way, from 46.5% to 41.5%. Subscribe Already subscribed? To log in.

The number of health centers is expanding at a time when talks are underway between health insurance and unions

“Debureaucratize” health and find “smarter remuneration” for doctors.

This double wish was formulated this Tuesday evening at a press conference by Emmanuel Macron, questioned about the fight against medical deserts.

At a time when private medicine is negotiating with health insurance on the second point – the former are demanding an increase in the price of the consultation to encourage setting up in a city medical office – a growing number of practitioners are opting for… the salaried employment.

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A report from the Order of Physicians published in April 2023 shows that in 13 years, salaried activity has dethroned self-employed activity, all specialties combined.

The first going from 41.9% in 2010 to 48.2% in 2023 while the second went the opposite way, from 46.5% to 41.5%.


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