The Limited Times

Ecuador: soldiers raid Guayaquil prison - Breaking news

1/18/2024, 4:25:32 PM

Highlights: Ecuador: soldiers raid Guayaquil prison - Breaking news. This was reported by official sources according to whom the operation is ongoing and falls within the framework of the war on narcos. (HANDLE) . The military broke into the Guayaqil prison in Ecuador. Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA. All rights reserved. The military raid is part of a larger operation against narcos in the country. The operation is underway and is under way, sources say.

The military raided the Guayaquil prison in Ecuador. This was reported by official sources according to whom the operation is ongoing and falls within the framework of the war on narcos. (HANDLE). (HANDLE)

The military broke into the Guayaquil prison in Ecuador.

This was reported by official sources according to whom the operation is ongoing and falls within the framework of the war on narcos.

Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA

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