The Limited Times

Jewish community Milan, demonization of Israel - Last minute

1/18/2024, 6:25:27 PM

Highlights: The president of the Jewish Community of Milan Walker Meghnagi condemns in a note "stop these anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist writings" which appeared a few meters from the city's synagogue. "But I'm tired of condemnations and distancing. I want to be clear: the origin of this writing is the same as that of many anti-Semitism acts that we have experienced in recent months," he said. "I appeal to everyone to stop using sick words such as 'genocide' when referring to the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel"

The president of the Jewish Community of Milan Walker Meghnagi condemns in a note "firmly these anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist writings" which appeared a few meters from the city's synagogue. "But I'm tired of condemnations and distancing. (ANSA)

The president of the Jewish Community of Milan Walker Meghnagi condemns in a note "stop these anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist writings" which appeared a few meters from the city's synagogue.

"But I'm tired of condemnations and distancing. I want to be clear: the origin of this writing is the same as that of many anti-Semitic acts that we have experienced in recent months - he recalled -, a demonization of Israel pushed to such an extent as to make people hate the Jews. information workers are not exempt from blame".

"I appeal to everyone to stop using sick words such as 'genocide' when referring to the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel. These are words that excite souls and are far from reality - he continued -. I say enough to those journalists who demonize Israel all over week, and then they offer us solidarity when we suffer acts of anti-Semitism. If you haven't understood it yet, the problem is not the anti-Semitism that exists in society. The problem is increasingly you."

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