The Limited Times

Harry withdraws defamation suit against Mail Group - Breaking News

1/19/2024, 3:55:58 PM

Highlights: Harry withdraws defamation suit against Mail Group - Breaking News. Prince Harry, through his lawyers, has decided to withdraw the defamation lawsuit. The lawsuit was initiated at the High Court in London against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), the publishing group of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday tabloids. It was concerning an article considered hostile on the appeal of second son of King Charles III against the decision of the Ministry of the Interior to deny him and his family permanent escort - even paid ones.

Prince Harry, through his lawyers, has decided to withdraw the defamation lawsuit initiated at the High Court in London against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), the publishing group of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday tabloids, concerning an article c ... (ANSA)

Prince Harry, through his lawyers, has decided to withdraw the defamation lawsuit initiated at the High Court in London against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), the editorial group of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday tabloids, concerning an article considered hostile on the appeal of second son of King Charles III against the decision of the Ministry of the Interior to deny him and his family permanent escort - even paid ones - during his visits to the United Kingdom, as he no longer plays an official representative role of the monarchy.

    Already in December, in the preliminary phase of the proceedings, the Duke of Sussex's legal action had received a setback: the judge had ordered him to pay 48,447 pounds to the publishing group, including compensation and court costs, as he could not be excluded, as requested instead by the the prince's lawyers, the central argument of the defense was that in the article under accusation an "honest opinion" had been expressed such as not to cause "serious damage" to his reputation.

However, this is a minor affair for Harry.

   On accusations of violation of privacy, his legal battle against the tabloids - including the Mail - continues after the recent victory in court against the Mirror editorial group.

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