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He sold secrets to the Russians, Biot sentenced to 20 years - News

1/19/2024, 4:36:30 PM

Highlights: He sold secrets to the Russians, Biot sentenced to 20 years. The charges contested by the Rome prosecutors, who had asked for 18 years, also include espionage and corruption. Biot, currently detained in the military prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, has already been sentenced in first instance by the "starred" court to 30 years of imprisonment. The Court of Assizes of Rome sentenced Navy officer Walter Biot to 20. years, arrested in March 2021 in a parking lot of a shopping center.

The charges contested by Rome prosecutors, who had asked for 18 years, also include espionage and corruption (ANSA)

The Court of Assizes of Rome sentenced Navy officer Walter Biot to 20 years, arrested in March 2021 in a parking lot of a shopping center in the Capital while he was busy giving classified information to Russian embassy officials.

The charges contested by the Rome prosecutors, who had asked for 18 years, also include espionage and corruption.

For this matter, Biot, currently detained in the military prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, has already been sentenced in first instance by the "starred" court to 30 years of imprisonment.

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