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USA 2024: Trump admitted to primaries in Washington State - Breaking news

1/19/2024, 2:56:03 PM

Highlights: Donald Trump can run in the Washington State primaries. This was established by Judge Mary Sue Wilson. Some voters said that the former president is ineligible on the basis of the 14th amendment. The Supreme Court will soon rule on this issue, evaluating a similar case in Colorado which will act as a precedent for all the cases brought in various US states. The case is expected to be heard by the end of the month, with a decision expected in early 2015. The winner will face Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

Donald Trump can run in the Washington State primaries: this was established by Judge Mary Sue Wilson, rejecting the request of some voters according to which the former president is ineligible on the basis of the 14th amendment, which prohibits public office for... (ANSA)

Donald Trump can run in the Washington State primaries: this was established by judge Mary Sue Wilson, rejecting the request of some voters according to which the former president is ineligible on the basis of the 14th amendment, which prohibits public officials involved in insurrections or revolts against the Constitution on which they swore.

However, the Supreme Court will soon rule on this issue, evaluating a similar case in Colorado which will act as a precedent for all the cases brought in various US states.

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