The Limited Times

“Been waiting here for five hours” – Tesla drivers stranded at charging stations in extreme cold

1/21/2024, 6:36:17 PM

Highlights: “Been waiting here for five hours” – Tesla drivers stranded at charging stations in extreme cold.. As of: January 21, 2024, 7:17 p.m By: Sebastian Oppenheimer CommentsPressSplit In Chicago there was chaos at several Tesla charging stations. Extreme cold apparently made it difficult for the vehicles and loaders. Icy windows, frozen doors and slippery roads: winter is generally a rather unpleasant season for drivers. Electric cars also suffer particularly from icy temperatures. This means that power consumption skyrockets when temperatures are below zero.

As of: January 21, 2024, 7:17 p.m

By: Sebastian Oppenheimer




In Chicago there was chaos at several Tesla charging stations.

Extreme cold apparently made it difficult for the vehicles and loaders.

Icy windows, frozen doors and slippery roads: winter is generally a rather unpleasant season for drivers.

Electric cars also suffer particularly from icy temperatures.

This means that power consumption skyrockets when temperatures are below zero on short journeys.

But the cold also causes problems when charging – especially at fast charging stations.

Numerous Tesla drivers in and around Chicago were now painfully aware of how much icy temperatures affect electric cars.

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Two hours instead of 45 minutes for a charge – Tesla driver complains about his suffering

As a video report from

CBS Chicago

(found below) shows, there were long waiting times at Tesla charging stations in Chicago, Illinois.

Apparently several superchargers had failed, others obviously took significantly longer to fill the vehicles' batteries due to the extreme cold.

“I've been waiting here for five hours,” a Tesla driver told the television station.

“And my car is still not charged.

A charge that should take 45 minutes takes two hours.” According to the report, numerous vehicles also had to be towed.

“It’s a disaster” – Waiting Tesla drivers are frustrated

Fox News


reports on long lines and desperate Tesla drivers at Supercharger stations in and around Chicago.

"That's crazy.

It is a disaster.

Seriously,” a Tesla owner told the medium.

Another man summed up the situation this way: “We have a lot of dead robots out here.”

Tesla advises customers to always keep the battery level above 20 percent in cold weather

The manufacturer Tesla recommends on its website not to let the battery charge level fall below 20 percent in extreme cold.

Various tests repeatedly calculate exactly how much the range of electric cars suffers in extreme cold.

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In extreme cold, there were long waits at Tesla charging stations in and around Chicago.

(Symbolic image) © MiS/Imago

Electric car drivers should therefore follow a few tips in winter to get the most range possible from the batteries.

If you still have enough power in your battery, you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a traffic jam with an electric car.

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