The Limited Times

“Taking up a defensive mood”: Mayor Dieter Reiter is planning an exchange against the right after the demo

1/24/2024, 3:08:54 PM

Highlights: “Taking up a defensive mood’: Mayor Dieter Reiter is planning an exchange against the right after the demo. Mayor Reiter wants to invite a wide variety of groups to the town hall. According to the city, it is still unclear whether another mass protest will ultimately be organized. “There are forces clearly to the left of center who are quick to put everything they don’t like in a right-wing corner,” said political scientist Ursula Münch.

As of: January 24, 2024, 3:56 p.m

By: Elisa Buhrke




After the demonstration against the right on Sunday, Mayor Dieter Reiter is planning further exchanges with the civilian population.

© Collage: Klaus Haag (left) and IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

Munich is planning a broad dialogue against right-wing extremism.

Mayor Reiter wants to invite a wide variety of groups to the town hall.

Munich - The extremely high turnout for the anti-right-wing demonstration on Sunday has consequences for local politics: The city of Munich is striving to put resistance against right-wing extremism on a comprehensive basis.

In view of the mass demonstration, Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) plans to invite various groups from the urban community to a timely discussion in the town hall.

“The aim of this exchange is to capture the defensive mood, to bring civil society and politics together and to carry forward the great civil society commitment that was shown in the impressive participation of over 200,000 people,” said Reiter on Wednesday, January 24th, in Munich .

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The city of Munich wants to promote the fight against right-wing extremism

In addition to the city leadership and the city council factions, Reiter also plans to invite large religious communities, clubs, youth organizations, trade unions and important Munich companies, as well as representatives of culture, science and civil society.

According to the city, it is still unclear whether another mass protest will ultimately be organized.

Despite the enthusiasm about taking part in the large demonstration, there was previously criticism of the organizers, who, among other things, had criticized a right-wing traffic light policy.

“There are forces clearly to the left of center who are quick to put everything they don’t like in a right-wing corner.

“We know this with regard to the CDU and CSU,” said political scientist Ursula Münch to the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

“I find it bizarre that this is now being done even with the traffic light parties.”


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