The Limited Times

Nantes: why were Nazi flags raised on monuments in the city center?

1/29/2024, 3:08:56 PM

Highlights: Nazi emblems were placed on Monday on some monuments in the City of Dukes, including the Graslin theater. They will be dismantled over the next few days. This dressing, assembled for the needs of a historical series, will be removed at the end of filming on Tuesday. Other installations of “signs of the Occupation” were expected on Monday at the Château des Ducs de Bretagne. Entitled Deep, the series is produced for OCS by Rezo productions, and directed by Aurélien Molas, creator of the chronicle series La Révolution, broadcast in 2020 on Netflix.

Nazi emblems were placed on Monday on some monuments in the City of Dukes, including the Graslin theater. They will be dismantled over the next few days.

Le Figaro Nantes

The scarlet fabric folded at the foot of the Graslin theater was initially intriguing.

Then, spreading over the entire height of the neoclassical peristyle of the monument, a movement of surprise won over passers-by in the center of Nantes who did not expect to see a giant Nazi flag and its swastika punctuating their day, on time. lunch.

The horror will be short-lived.

This dressing, assembled for the needs of a historical series, will be removed at the end of filming on Tuesday.

“It’s still a bit of a shock”

Until then, the banner of the Third Reich flies happily on the facade of the Nantes theater.

It provokes contrasting reactions.

A man, clearly unaware of the filming, expresses his dismay.

Another, better informed, admits that

“it’s still a bit of a shock”


In a nearby bakery on Place Graslin, a shopkeeper confides that it

“sends shivers down your spine”


“Luckily, they’re not back yet!”

, observes a woman, who prefers to laugh about it than to cry about it.

The absurd vision of an emblem of the extreme right flaunting a bastion of the left more energetically amuses the teenage gangs passing through the square, during their break.

“The dingz!”

, says a young man, taking out his cell phone.

A little further on, another teenager notes, hilarious:

“Our France is beautiful!”


“It’s going to make this fake news…”,

worries one of his comrades, on the other hand.

In anticipation of the installation of the banner bearing the Nazi emblem, the municipality of Nantes has increased posters in the city center in recent days, sometimes at the very doors of buildings, in order to warn residents of the upcoming shooting.

Other installations of

“signs of the Occupation”

– in the words of the town hall – were expected on Monday at the Château des Ducs de Bretagne.



, the series is produced for OCS by Rezo productions, and directed by Aurélien Molas, creator of the chronicle series

La Révolution

, broadcast in 2020 on Netflix.