The Limited Times

Inclusive school: the State will now finance those accompanying disabled students in the canteen

1/31/2024, 2:50:10 PM

Highlights: The State will finance those accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) during the lunch break. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal confirmed this on Tuesday January 30. The majority of those supporting disabled students are now forced to work part-time. “What we are asking for is civil servant status and an upgrade” says a AESH member of FSU-Snuipp 93 union. At the start of the 2022 school year, 436,000 students with disabled were enrolled in mainstream schools.

Gabriel Attal announced Tuesday that the Ministry of National Education would cover the salaries of AESH during the summer.

The measure was expected.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal confirmed this on Tuesday January 30.

The State will finance those accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) during the lunch break to put an end to what it described, in its general policy speech, as a “double defeat: students not sufficiently well supported at meal time, and AESH who cannot work full time to improve their remuneration.”

This measure has already been the subject of a bill adopted on January 23 by the Senate.

It was to be examined in the National Assembly during the year.

After years of uncertainty, the Council of State decided in November 2020. Since that date, it has been up to the local authorities to pay for AESH hours, and therefore to take care of recruitment and establish a new contract with these companions.

In fact, many children were left behind and their parents were responsible for picking them up at midday to have them eat lunch.

Especially since the presence of this employee depends on the MDPH (Departmental House for Disabled People), which must notify the number of hours required during canteen time.

Also read Inclusive school: “AESH, I earn less than 1,000 euros per month”

The majority of those supporting disabled students are now forced to work part-time.

Finally having access to full-time employment, good news?

Not quite for Chaker Brahim, member of the AESH commission of the FSU-Snuipp 93 union.

“In fact, are we going to work without a break from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in schools?

It's exhausting work, all the time.

We will not have the choice to have a full-time salary.

We are following several children, which one will we accompany?

In which establishment?

What if he doesn't have a notification for the canteen?

This will not be possible for all accompanying persons.

But it’s a way of getting around our demands for training and preparation work time with teachers…” he sighs.

“What we are asking for is civil servant status and an upgrade”

Today less than 4% of carers work full time according to the union.

“What we are asking for is civil servant status and upgrading.

Is this progress that meets our expectations?

No,” says Cécile Stassi, AESH member of FSU Snuipp 75.

According to the Ministry of National Education, 6 to 7% of children who have human help in class also benefit from it during after-school time and in the canteen.

At the start of the 2022 school year, 436,000 students with disabilities were enrolled in mainstream schools.