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Tips from the kitchen: This is how you can always make homemade bread from now on

1/31/2024, 7:09:02 AM

Highlights: Grain is considered an important staple food in Germany. In addition to pasta and rice, it is particularly popular in the form of bread and baked goods. You don't even need to go to the bakery or supermarket, because bread is actually relatively easy to bake yourself. Baking bread is not a spontaneous and quick activity, but requires patience and usually a longer preparation and preparation.Tips from the kitchen: This is how you can always make homemade bread from now on. As of: January 31, 2024, 8:00 a.m By: Clara Kistner CommentsSplit A thick slice of airy, oven-warm bread, spread, garnished with a little butter and a pinch of salt.

As of: January 31, 2024, 8:00 a.m

By: Clara Kistner




A thick slice of airy, oven-warm bread, spread, garnished with a little butter and a pinch of salt - thanks to high-quality ingredients, even the simplest dish can be perfected.

Grain is also considered an important staple food in Germany.

In addition to pasta and rice, it is particularly popular in the form of bread and baked goods.

From the crispy breakfast roll in the morning, to the school bread during the lunch break and the sweet Danish pastry with afternoon coffee to the evening snack - many people are accompanied by various grain products throughout the day.

You don't even need to go to the bakery or supermarket, because bread is actually relatively easy to bake yourself.

Even before baking: careful preparation is half the battle

First, you should find out about the suitable flour for your particular baking project.

Because there are so many different types of flour, the starch and gluten content of the flour also varies.

Therefore, not every flour is equally suitable for every bread.

However, the appropriate type of flour is usually specified in the recipe.

It is advisable to start with a simple basic recipe and then build on the bread baking skills you have acquired.

Baking your own bread isn't rocket science.

And yet there are a few things you should keep in mind when preparing and cooking.

(Symbolic image) © Mint Images/Imago


fundamentally recommends:

  • For white breads and light mixed breads:

    wheat flour types 405 and 550, rye flour type 997, spelled flour type 630

  • For darker and coarser mixed breads:

    wheat type 1050, rye type 1150, spelled type 812

  • For dark, strong mixed breads

    : wheat type 1700, rye type 1800, spelled type 1050

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Airy crumb with a crispy crust: How the bread dough is best prepared

In addition, when baking bread, you should carefully weigh the ingredients, similar to when baking a sweet cake.

In contrast to cooking, there are some limits to your creativity when baking.

If you change the list of ingredients and quantities as you wish, you will end up with a completely distorted result in terms of taste and consistency.

The flour should also be sifted into the dough, advises


This would allow it to combine better with the liquid and be processed into a homogeneous and elastic dough.

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When preparing bread dough, one factor is particularly important – kneading.

The hard (physical) work really pays off in the end.

Whether by hand or with a fully automatic food processor, kneading the dough absorbs a lot of oxygen and the bread becomes fine-pored and airy.


also recommends adding the salt to the dough before kneading so that the gluten can develop undisturbed.

Give your dough enough time to rest.

Apart from special quick recipes, baking bread is not a spontaneous and quick activity, but requires patience and usually a longer preparation and preparation.

According to

, you can determine whether the bread is ready for baking

using the so-called “finger test”.

A hole is pressed into the dough with your finger.

When this closes again, the dough is ready to be processed further.

Baking bread in the oven at home - this is how you'll definitely succeed

To prevent the bread crumb (the inner part of the bread covered by the crust) from tearing during baking, the raw loaf of bread can be lightly scored with a clean razor blade before baking.

According to,

bread should

be baked with top and bottom heat, as it dries quickly in circulating air.

In addition, the bread crust will be particularly crispy if you put a bowl of water in the oven while baking, at least for the first ten minutes.

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