The Limited Times

“Treated like cattle”: 20 former students of a Catholic high school file a complaint for physical and sexual violence

2/1/2024, 4:59:51 PM

Highlights: 20 former students of a Catholic high school in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques file a complaint for physical and sexual violence. These acts allegedly committed mainly in the early 1980s within the confines of the Notre-Dame de Bétharram Catholic college-high school. The head of the establishment, Father Jean-Marie Ruspil, said he was “saddened” and considered it “very regrettable that violence could have been used against children and adolescents”

The complaints, which target religious and lay people, concern facts for the most part prescribed today, but "one of the victims

Old unsaid things coming to the surface.

A preliminary investigation was opened after the filing of twenty complaints from former students of a private establishment in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques for acts of violence and sexual assault and rape committed forty years ago, indicated the public prosecutor's office. Pau.

The complaints, revealed by the Republic of the Pyrenees, relate “mainly to acts of violence, but also, for five of them, to acts of sexual assault and/or rape”, specifies the public prosecutor of Pau, Rodolphe Jarry.

These acts were allegedly committed mainly in the early 1980s within the confines of the Notre-Dame de Bétharram Catholic college-high school, which accommodates around 280 students, in Lestelle-Bétharram, between Pau and Lourdes.

“They hid themselves in their silence”

The complaints, which target religious and lay people, concern facts for the most part prescribed today, but "one of the victims is not yet concerned by the prescription, so his complaint could be the support of the others", explains Alain Esquerre, complainant and former student of Bétharram from 1980 to 1985. It was by creating a Facebook group to collect testimonies on the violence suffered in the establishment that he discovered stories of sexual assault.

“People tell you about their distress, things they suffered at the age of 10 or 12 and which they have never told anyone.

They hid in their silence while some live ten kilometers away,” he confided.

This former student “suffered and saw physical violence on a daily basis” and denounces a “well-established operating procedure” in this elitist institution.

“The children were treated like cattle,” he summarizes.

Also read “I am no longer Catholic”: revolted by sexual abuse, these faithful turn their backs on the Church

Contacted, the head of the establishment, Father Jean-Marie Ruspil, said he was “saddened” and considered it “very regrettable that violence could have been used against children and adolescents”.

“Since November, I myself have received testimonies from former students who were surprised, not to say shocked,” who “regret that the good memories of former students are not highlighted,” adds. he.

These complaints will also be filed before the Church Recognition and Reparation Commission, created for victims of sexual abuse in the Church.

In 2017, a canonical investigation had already been carried out by the Bishopric of Bayonne, after the denunciation of sexual abuse committed on a former student, aged 10 at the time of the facts he denounced, by a priest.

The Church's investigation concluded that the case had been dismissed.

The clergyman killed himself in 2000.