The Limited Times

Omnibus Law: Guillermo Francos warned that the debate "will take a long time" and left a particular vision about the number of deputies

2/1/2024, 12:09:34 PM

Highlights: Omnibus Law: Guillermo Francos warned that the debate "will take a long time" and left a particular vision about the number of deputies. The Minister of the Interior highlighted that the reform promoted by the Government represents "a change of vision" of the country. He gave details about the talk with governors about the Country Tax. He also contradicted presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, who had denied conversations on the subject. The first day of debate on the Omnibus Law in Congress was held on Wednesday.

The Minister of the Interior highlighted that the reform promoted by the Government represents "a change of vision" of the country. He gave details about the talk with governors about the Country Tax.

After an extensive first day of debate on the

Omnibus Law

in Congress, Interior Minister

Guillermo Francos

warned this Thursday that the treatment in Deputies

"will take a long time"

and left a particular vision about the number of legislators.

Francos, who is in charge of carrying out the negotiations with the different blocs, acknowledged that while the debate progresses,

the "conversations" and "discussions" about the project continue


"When there is a law that covers so many aspects, there are always conversations about how each article is worded. Discussions about the debate itself," Francos highlighted in an interview with Miter radio.

And along those lines, he added: "

The debate in particular is going to take a long time

, it is a law that will still take some time to debate, we hope it will be as quick as possible but in the course of the law there are always conversations and debates." on certain aspects that want to be clarified or modified".

When asked about the length of the debate, the official who maintains constant dialogue with the governors left a particular vision about the makeup of Congress by warning that "it is very numerous."


We should think about whether we don't have a Congress that is too large

. Our Congress is very large. We should all think about how to achieve more efficient institutions," Francos highlighted and gave as an example the reform carried out by Nayib Bukele in El Salvador.

The Minister of the Interior also made reference to the back-and-forth he had with governors and deputies in relation to the claim for co-participation of the Country Tax and contradicted presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, who had denied conversations on the subject.

"In a somewhat disorderly meeting with governors and deputies, they discussed some aspects that had questions about the law, they proposed co-participating in the Country Tax, I told them that in no way is the Government going to co-participate in the Country Tax," he said.

And he gave more details: "Some of the governors or deputies proposed that 30%, instead of addressing social organizations, could be handled in each province. I don't have that size, I don't have the power to decide it and I said I'll tell you about it." (to the President). I'm not saying that it wasn't discussed at the meeting, I'm saying that I can't commit to something that is the decision of the economy minister and the president."

Adorni, in the press conference on Wednesday, the day after the meeting, assured that Francos had not discussed the issue with the governors and that the Interior Minister himself had assured him of this.


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