The Limited Times

Franck Piccard, triple Olympic medalist and whistleblower: “Let’s stop developing the ski area”

2/3/2024, 7:49:44 AM

Highlights: Franck Piccard, triple Olympic medalist and whistleblower: “Let’s stop developing the ski area”. The champion of Saisies (Savoie) defends the preservation of nature, without wanting to raze everything. What do you think of a resort model without lifts, like in Italy at Montespluga? Subscribe Already subscribed? To log in, go to the page you came from and click on the link below. The rest after this ad is for you.

The champion of Saisies (Savoie) defends the preservation of nature, without wanting to raze everything.

Triple medalist at the Olympic Games, first Olympic super-G champion in Calgary (Canada) in 1988 and silver medalist in downhill at home in Albertville in 1992, Franck Piccard now defines himself as a “mountain whistleblower”.

He says stop the artificialization of the mountain.

The 59-year-old skier from Les Saisies (Savoie) has not only made friends in the community.

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What do you think of a resort model without lifts, like in Italy at Montespluga?


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