The Limited Times

Vote on SUVs in Paris: why you will need to read the bulletins this Sunday

2/3/2024, 3:11:29 PM

Highlights: Vote on SUVs in Paris: why you will need to read the bulletins this Sunday. In total, 38 Parisian locations will host 222 polling stations. According to an OpinionWay survey, 61% of residents of the capital would be in favor of more onerous taxation for these “heavy, polluting and bulky” vehicles. The vote takes place this Sunday, February 4 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., in offices located in each district of Paris.

This Sunday, February 4, Parisians are being asked to vote on special pricing for SUV parking. Be careful, the

Be careful not to get the brushes tangled.

This Sunday, Parisians will have to position themselves




a differentiated parking rate for SUVs in the capital.

And the complex wording of ballots can lead to confusion.

Because the voting question is not “Are you for or against SUVs”, but “Are you for or against a specific rate for the parking of heavy, bulky, polluting individual cars?


Thus, wanting to reduce the place of SUVs in Paris implies voting


an increase in the price of parking for SUVs: you will have to choose the “for” ballot… And vice versa: being for SUVs will push you to vote


this increase.

Good evening @Florent_Giry, I don't understand the question asked on the voting slips, no reference to SUVs.

4 polling stations in central Paris, 4 in the 15th, 3 times more populated ❗️

Looking forward to the repeal of the PLM law to rediscover the democracy that annoys you so much.

— heptaxi!lacroissance (@L_from_Paris) February 2, 2024

These 4 x 4-looking vehicles are in the sights of Paris City Hall and environmental activists, who intend to continue reducing the space given to cars in the capital.

According to an OpinionWay survey, 61% of residents of the capital would be in favor of more onerous taxation for these “heavy, polluting and bulky” vehicles, according to the description of the City of Paris.

Which intends to “respond to several challenges of

security, sharing of public space and pollution”.

Also read Where, when, which vehicles... Everything you need to know before Sunday's vote on SUV parking in Paris

The vote takes place this Sunday, February 4 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., in offices located in each district of the capital.

The list of polling stations can be found on an interactive map from Paris town hall.

In total, 38 Parisian locations will host 222 polling stations.