The Limited Times

Almost like winning the lottery: Hanrieders move back into the store after the fire

2/6/2024, 10:51:57 AM

Highlights: Johannes Hanrieder's lottery shop in Gauting burned down last May. He is now moving into the renovated store. This was made possible by a donation from his mother. His stepfather also lends a hand. The LVM insurance company in Münster only offered him 30,000 euros for the completely burned down shop. But with loss of earnings, compensation for the burned goods and shop furnishings, his family is entitled to 178,000 euro. That's why he has now hired a lawyer to sue for the sum.

As of: February 6, 2024, 11:31 a.m




At work (from left) Johannes Hanrieder, stepfather Hans-Joachim Okken and Katrin Hanrieder.

© cless-wesle

Last May, Johannes Hanrieder's lottery shop on Bahnhofstrasse in Gauting burned down.

He is now moving into the renovated store.

This was made possible by a donation from his mother.

His stepfather also lends a hand.

Gauting – “Because our family supports us, our stationery lottery business is looking up again,” says Johannes Hanrieder.

In fact, you can currently see how the Gilchinger, from Gilching, is stocking shelves in the shop that has been renovated by the property management company, with his wife Katrin and stepfather Hans-Joachim Okken.

However, this has nothing to do with the fact that the insurance would now pay.

“Without support from within the family we would have had to close,” says the retailer.

The LVM insurance company in Münster only offered him 30,000 euros for the completely burned down shop.

But with loss of earnings, compensation for the burned goods and shop furnishings, his family is entitled to 178,000 euros, he says.

That's why he has now hired a lawyer to sue for the sum.

Things took a turn for the better when his mother Monika Hanrieder and her second husband Hans-Joachim Okken decided to sell a property and provide the son and his family with the necessary money.

“Now there is light at the end of the tunnel,” says Hanrieder.

After the dramatic major fire on May 2, 2023, the young family lost their livelihood.

According to criminal investigators, the fire was caused by a refrigerator fire: wife Katrin Hanrieder, who works for her husband and was standing in the shop, was the first to notice the smoke and immediately alerted neighbors and the fire department.

In an instant, the store selling stationery, newspapers, magazines and tobacco products was in flames.

Johannes Hanrieder was in the backyard with his then eleven-week-old son Lenny during the major fire, so no one was hurt.

From then on, the family of four was on their own.

“Without the financial help from my mom and stepfather, it would never have been possible to reopen the business,” emphasizes Hanrieder.

“We had no reserves left.”

The freshly whitewashed store with newly laid floors has been shining in new splendor since last Saturday.

The craftsmen commissioned by the property management have completed the renovation work.

Hanrieder suspects that rebuilding the business with technology, cash register and interior design will cost around 60,000 euros.

He bought new shelves from a closed stationery store in Weichs near Markt Indersdorf and immediately transported them to Gauting.

Wife Katrin and the 73-year-old stepfather helped with the clearing out at the weekend.

As soon as the carpenter has made the newspaper shelves, goods are ordered.

An exact opening date has not yet been set.

Christine Cless Wesle