The Limited Times

How creative are you? Burger King is offering a million dollars for a winning recipe Israel today

2/6/2024, 11:51:12 AM

Highlights: Burger King in the US is holding a contest in which it will award a million dollars to its next Hoggie Wafer sandwich. Starting this week, potential chefs and grillmen are invited to send Burger King their ideas for the "Million Dollar Whopper" The toppings must be edible and legal (you can't add plasticine, for that matter), and they must be free of allergenic components. The chosen idea will make the person behind it a millionaire, his woofer will also be added to the chain's menu and will win him world fame.

Peas and tuna? Maybe wasabi? Start thinking of ideas because the chain in the US is holding a contest in which it will award the amount to the hoggies of its next waffle sandwich • You can do this on a dedicated website • The AI ​​system will create an impressive graphic visualization of the virtual dish

Do you have ideas, recipes or winning formulas for legendary hamburgers?

Don't keep them for yourself, because maybe you can get rich from it.

The Burger King chain in the US is holding a contest in which it will award a million dollars to its next Hoggie Wafer sandwich - and (almost) anything goes.

Starting this week, fans of the chain, potential chefs and grillmen (from the US only, unfortunately) are invited to send Burger King their ideas for the "Million Dollar Whopper", detailing the toppings and ingredients that they think should back up the beef patty or the royal vegetarian patty. Not only That the chosen idea will make the person behind it a millionaire, his woofer will also be added to the chain's menu in the United States and will win him world fame. A dream.

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A post shared by Burger King (@burgerking).

Those interested in participating are asked to send their gastronomic whims to a designated website (which may be blocked from browsing from Israel, but there is a VPN for that) by March 17.

There, the AI ​​system will create an impressive graphic simulation of the virtual woofer according to the instructions provided to it, and then the results can even be shared on social networks.

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A post shared by Burger King (@burgerking).

Sound simple?

Not necessarily.

Burger King emphasizes that only the most creative (and hopefully tasty) recipes have a chance to succeed, because already now - at least according to the chain - it offers no less than 200,000 different variations of the famous sandwich, if you take into account combinations of sauces, vegetables, toppings, etc.

And there are fine print too: the toppings must be edible and legal (you can't add plasticine, for that matter), and they must be free of allergenic components (so peanut butter doesn't catch either. Too bad).

Watermelon, chickpea, pea and amaba hamburger, photo: the image was created with AI technology on the Burger King USA website

We, for example, tried to challenge the system and created a super woofer with the addition of watermelon, hummus, spaghetti, peas, tuna fish and amaba.

All the ingredients have been successfully identified (even the amaba!), and the tempting result is in front of you.

The US Embassy and our bank manager have already been informed.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

If you found an error in the article, we would appreciate it if you shared it with us

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