The Limited Times

Meaux: closed for four years, the UGC Majestic cinema will reopen on April 26

2/6/2024, 5:40:53 AM

Highlights: The UGC Majestic cinema, located in the center of Meaux, will reopen its doors on Friday April 26. The aging establishment closed its doors in March 2020, just before confinement and has never reopened since. Proud Mayor Jean-François Copé (LR) announced it with fanfare during the greeting ceremony at the Colisée on Monday January 22. The cinema business was bought by the UGC in December 2016 and that some changes were necessary, according to the mayor.

The aging establishment closed its doors in March 2020, just before confinement and has never reopened since. The works, which

Nobody believed it anymore.

And yet.

The UGC Majestic cinema, located in the center of Meaux, will reopen its doors on Friday April 26.

Proud Mayor Jean-François Copé (LR) announced it with fanfare during the greeting ceremony at the Colisée on Monday January 22.

The establishment, which was originally a theater, is located in the center of Meaux, on Place Henri-IV.

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Let's rewind the movie.

On March 17, 2020, confinement begins in France.

Like any other performance hall, the Majestic cinema is closing its doors.

However, while cultural venues can reopen their doors, the Majestic remains closed.

On September 14, 2020, modernization and even extension work began.

It must be said that the cinema business was bought by the UGC in December 2016 and that some changes were necessary.


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