The Limited Times

The mayor of Bois-d’Arcy resigns

2/6/2024, 7:03:24 PM

Highlights: Jean-Philippe Luce has been mayor of Bois-d'Arcy since November 2020. The 39-year-old councilor announced his resignation on his Facebook account. The reason for this resignation: incompatibility with his professional career. The management of this town of 15,000 inhabitants was becoming more and more complicated with his schedule as Director of Investments at Unigrains. A municipal council meeting is scheduled to be held this Thursday, February 8 at 8:30 p.m. on the agenda, the vote on the budget will be chaired by Luce.

Jean-Philippe Luce, elected since 2020 at the head of Bois-d'Arcy, has just announced on his Facebook account his resignation for professional reasons.

He had been thinking about it for several weeks.

Jean-Philippe Luce, mayor (UDI) of Bois-d'Arcy since November 2020, following the resignation of Philippe Benasaya, then elected deputy, finally decided to bow out.

He announced it to residents via a post on his Facebook account.

The reason for this resignation: incompatibility with his professional career.

“The conditions are unfortunately no longer met for me to be able to calmly complete my mandate because my professional activity, which I have always wanted to pursue, requires more and more of my time,” writes the 39-year-old councilor, who entered politics 2008.

He first occupied the ranks of the opposition before becoming in 2014, alongside Philippe Benasaya, deputy mayor for culture and economic development (2014-2020), then first deputy in charge of Finance and Educational success.

“A series of crises making this mandate particularly difficult”

The management of this town of 15,000 inhabitants was becoming more and more complicated with his schedule as Director of Investments at Unigrains.

“Over the past three years, we have been faced with a series of crises making this mandate particularly difficult.

However, despite these health, energy and inflationary crises, with the municipal team, we continued our work to beautify and modernize the city", summarizes this graduate of Paris-Dauphine and EM Lyon Business School, rather satisfied of the work accomplished.

“I am particularly proud of the progress made in these turbulent times.

We have managed to stay the course by launching the major projects of this mandate, such as the new Rosa Bonheur crèche which will open its doors in the fall or the future market hall, work on which should begin soon,” continues the who also remains regional advisor (UDI).

A municipal council meeting is scheduled to be held this Thursday, February 8 at 8:30 p.m.

On the agenda, the vote on the budget will be chaired by Jean-Philippe Luce.

His last municipal council as mayor, before the prefect accepted his resignation, which he had just sent to him.

Another council should therefore be convened in the next fortnight to elect his successor.