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Basile apologizes: 'Atrocious misunderstanding'. Liliana Segre's son: 'We're suing her'. The case reaches the Senate - News

2/7/2024, 8:03:52 PM

Highlights: Basile apologizes: 'Atrocious misunderstanding' Liliana Segre's son: 'We're suing her' The case reaches the Senate. The former Farnesina official had attacked the senator in a video, who according to her was tormented 'just by the thought of Jewish children'. La Russa: 'A hug to her'. The House standing and applauding (ANSA) The words of the former diplomat Elena Basile become a coincidence, as she attacks the senator for life.

The former Farnesina official had attacked the senator in a video, who according to her was tormented 'just by the thought of Jewish children'. La Russa: 'A hug to her'. The House standing and applauding (ANSA)

The words of the former diplomat Elena Basile become a coincidence, as in a video she attacked the senator for life Liliana Segre, who according to her was tormented "only by the thought of Jewish children".

The affair arrives in the Senate while Liliana Segre's son announces a lawsuit against the former Farnesina official.

Video Shocking statements against Liliana Segre, her son announces a lawsuit

The former diplomat Elena Basile "answered us during the night, a shameful answer in which she blames the newspapers that have misrepresented" and which according to her "should rectify. We take note of her answer and proceed with the complaint".

Thus Luciano Belli Paci, the son of

Liliana Segre,

told ANSA . 

"Last night I received two emails from Elena Basile, in response to my email of objection from yesterday morning" Luciano Belli Paci then added in a statement, underlining that Basile "claims that Liliana Segre's thoughts would have been misrepresented by no better specified press articles, following which her video would have been born, and which therefore the senator should ask those newspapers that misunderstood her, and not her, to rectify".

Furthermore, the former diplomat "declares herself happy to learn that Senator Segre cares about the death of children of all nationalities and ethnic groups" and "says she is sorry if the video hurt Liliana Segre".

Responding to Basile, the son of the senator for life specified "that the misrepresentations of Liliana Segre's thoughts by the press are not apparent" and "that we take note of the fact that she does not believe she can assume her responsibilities for the defamatory and insulting statements contained both in the video and in the interview published by the online newspaper (Il Giornale d'Italia, ed.)" and "of the fact that he does not consider adopting the suggested remedial measures".

Therefore Liliana Segre has instructed her trusted criminal lawyer, the lawyer Vincenzo Saponara of Milan, "to proceed in accordance with the law against her".

"I'm sorry because the senator, with her name and her determination, could contribute to the common good and combat double standards. The complaints and complaints fuel the climate of hatred and anti-Semitism."

Thus to ANSA, former diplomat

Elena Basile

comments on the decision to proceed with the complaint.

Basile's speech: 'I'm sorry for the atrocious misunderstanding, I apologize to Segre'

"I am very sorry for this atrocious misunderstanding. I was misled by an interview, perhaps read superficially, in which the journalist attributed unilateral declarations to Senator Segre", said Basil in an article on 'Daily News' asking "humbly sorry to the senator if I hurt her".

"I don't care about the complaint which I believe has no legal basis. It alarms me to have hurt the senator with an inappropriate comparison, for whom I have always had respect for her work in bearing witness to the atrocious experience she has lived - writes Basile - I would be shocked at the thought of having caused her pain."

The former diplomat adds that she "watched her interviews, which I didn't know, and her human words moved me. In fact she declared on many occasions that she was sad about the death of Jewish children and Palestinian children. She also declared that I am against any type of revenge. I am sorry for what happened. My reaction was against the double standards of a certain press with which now, better informed, I know the Senator has little to do with."

Basile adds that she turned to Segre, "recognizing her moral stature, as I had done with President Mattarella because - I believe - a lot can still be done against the climate of hatred, of double standards, of anti-Semitism. My dream would be to see President Mattarella and the Senator recognize the State of Palestine and condemn the war crimes of the Netanyahu government".

Therefore, he concludes, "I humbly apologize to the Senator if I hurt her. This was not my intention, even if I was wrong to act very hastily, driven by an indignation which in the Senator's case actually had no reason to exist. I hope you will be able to forget the offense received while still believing in my good faith, which is always there."

The case reaches the Senate floor

 "I agree with the right arguments and the words that emerged unanimously from all the groups and I embrace Senator Liliana Segre who we hope to see here in the Chamber soon. We extend our greetings to her".

The Senate Assembly stands up with a long applause given to the parliamentarian, after the words of the president Ignazio La Russa which conclude the interventions in the Chamber on the issue of Elena Basile's video against the life senator Liliana Segre.

Video La Russa: 'A hug to Liliana Segre'.

Senators standing applaud

"There is nothing more false in the statements made by Elena Basile to Liliana Segre", says the dem Francesco Verducci in the Senate chamber.

"A story - says Verducci - disturbing in its enormous falsity", "the story concerns Segre, but it concerns us all due to the moral authority that the senator instills in this Assembly".

According to the parliamentarian, the words of the video "provoked the indignation of all Italian citizens for the offense against Liliana Segre".

"With his strength and his simplicity - underlines Verducci - in these days of profound torment he spoke on several occasions about the anguish and difficulty of not being able to sleep because of what is happening, and in particular, within the terrifying conflict, the anguish for all the children who, in his words, 'are Sacred without distinction of nationality and faith, who suffer and die, who pay because others have not been able to find the path to peace. Children killed because of the hatred of adults , they who would be the future of brotherly peoples. There is no night that I, a desperate grandmother, am not awake."

The commission on anti-Semitism: "Outraged by the offenses"

"We express disbelief and indignation at the extremely offensive words against President Segre. The members of the anti-discrimination commission, chaired by the senator for life, join the President and forcefully reject the absurd falsehoods proposed by the former Farnesina official, Elena Basile, and undertake to continue their work to counter strategies aimed at inciting hatred and to combat anti-Semitism, racism and all forms of discrimination. A commitment expressed unanimously. The commissioners unite with affection and absolute support for President Segre This was announced by the Extraordinary Commission on Intolerance, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Incitement to Hatred and Violence of the Senate.

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