The Limited Times

Due to the "blender effect", people prefer liquidity and avoid fixed terms

2/7/2024, 5:14:14 PM

Highlights: Due to the "blender effect", people prefer liquidity and avoid fixed terms. The pesos leave the banks because people prefer to have more flexibility to invest. Financing sank for the third consecutive month in January. In annual terms, term loans drop by 55.9% in real terms. All credit lines fell in January; personal loans and credit card financing fell 12.7% and 10.9%, respectively, in real monthly terms, according to a report by consulting firm LCG.

The pesos leave the banks because people prefer to have more flexibility to invest. Financing sank for the third consecutive month


strongly negative interest rates

in the last two months, fixed-term deposits have begun to show signs that

they are no longer the favorite investment of Argentines


In January, savers preferred to dismantle positions in banks after the devaluation jump and with an exchange gap that had started the month at a minimum.

Term placements fell 19% real monthly in January,

which extends the dynamics seen the previous month.

"Interest rates well below inflation explain this result. In annual terms, term loans drop by 55.9% in real terms," ​​the consulting firm LCG highlighted.

What happened with fixed terms is part of a

fall in all deposits

in pesos.

Although at the start of 2024 demand deposits grew by 4.6% in real monthly terms, the stock of pesos in banks accumulated a real decline of 8.3% compared to what was seen at the beginning of 2023.

On the one hand,

inflation "eats" the savings capacity

, especially of retailers.

But at the same time, the

Central Bank's

rate policy

discourages any type of placement in pesos


Savers and companies

prioritize liquidity

to be able to migrate towards shorter-term placements, although these also have negative returns.

"A process of

demonetization of the economy

continues , also encouraged by an expansive monetary policy bias of negative rates," they noted in LCG and added: "In this

context of high inflation, which discourages the holding of money without remuneration,

it is to be expected that by 2024, demand deposits will continue to evolve below the price level of the economy, and that they will gradually migrate to remunerated demand accounts,

through the transfer of funds to the FCI

money market."

Fixed terms tied by inflation also fell

in the first month of the year, because the Central Bank decided to extend the minimum time for their placement to six months.

But the trend, in this case, could be reversed: "The fall in the previous months has been so great that it is possible that it will slow down, due to captive agents in pesos who have difficulties accessing other savings methods."

The "B side" of fixed terms in banks is the placement of credit for the private sector.

Loans also showed a drastic drop

in the first month of the year and accumulated

three consecutive months of collapse


If you look at the stock of loans in banks, the accumulated fall in the last twelve months is greater than 32% in real terms.

The private sector is moving away from banks as its source of financing

and a strong adjustment is seen in the values ​​of the activity. To show this, it is enough to consider that the total financing to the private sector in pesos granted by the entire system financial is below 15,000 million US dollars measured at the MEP price,” explained Guillermo Barbero, Partner at First Capital Group.

Personal loans vs.

Credit cards

All credit lines fell in January.

Consumer financing loans did so at a slower pace

than they had shown in December: personal loans and credit card financing fell 12.7% and 10.9% in real monthly terms, respectively.

“Banks are once again turning their attention to this product with offers and promotions, but it is very far from its historical levels.

In the recent past, personal loan levels competed in volume with credit cards,

representing 50% each. segment;

Currently we see that

the relationship is 75% for cards and 25% for personal loans

,” Barbero said.

The specialist announced: "It is expected that the use of the Cuota Simple program, which replaces the Ahora 12 programs, will allow the card portfolio to be recovered. The rise in product values ​​is faster than the income of cardholders and therefore Consequently, the

updates of the credit limits

, for this reason, the growth in real terms

of the portfolio

is difficult .”