The Limited Times

The lover of the dentist from Dourdan killed in his house in Eure-et-Loir sentenced to 25 years of criminal imprisonment

2/7/2024, 5:13:48 PM

Highlights: Jorge Brion, dentist in Dourdan, was found dead in his 19th century bourgeois house in Coulombs (Eure-et-Loir) When investigators discovered his body, the 53-year-old practitioner was wrapped in a tangle of tarpaulin, mattress pads, sheets and duvets. Her lover, Anatole Buyck, who rushed to sell several properties on the same day of the crime, was sentenced this Tuesday to 25 years of criminal imprisonment.

This Tuesday, Anatole Buyck, 33, who had started a relationship with the practitioner a few months before the facts, was found guilty of

He would have killed his lover to grab his fortune.

In February 2020, Jorge Brion, dentist in Dourdan, was found dead in his 19th century bourgeois house in Coulombs (Eure-et-Loir).

When investigators discovered his body, the 53-year-old practitioner was wrapped in a tangle of tarpaulin, mattress pads, sheets and duvets, all vigorously tied up with an electric cable and a rope.

Her lover, Anatole Buyck, who rushed to sell several properties on the same day of the crime, was sentenced this Tuesday to 25 years of criminal imprisonment by the Eure-et-Loir Assize Court.

From the start of the procedure, investigators suspected the accused of having killed the dentist in his bedroom to take over his pretty home.

A thesis that Anatole Buyck has always refuted, arguing that it was, according to him, an accident following a “dominant-dominated sexual game” with ropes.

Following the autopsy, which revealed a deep cut to the left wrist and pulmonary edema of undetermined origin, the forensic doctor was not able to determine the causes of death.

Coulombs (Eure-et-Loir), Tuesday February 18, 2020. For the purposes of the investigation, the gendarmerie had blocked access to the street leading to the dentist's house.


Arrested four days after the discovery of the body in the Ulis restaurant where he worked, Anatole Buyck was in the crosshairs of the gendarmes from the Orléans research section (Loiret).

By cross-checking several testimonies, confirmed by the suspect's telephone and video surveillance images, investigators were able to determine, with certainty, that the thirty-year-old was with Jorge Brion the weekend preceding the discovery of the body.

Read also: The lover of the Dourdan dentist found dead, indicted and imprisoned

The investigation also made it possible to collect damning clues.

Among them, messages sent to other sexual partners accompanied by videos showing the interior of what he describes as "his future home", but also an appointment made before the death with a company for the installation of an alarm at the victim's home or even a call to a second-hand dealer, on the day of the crime, to come and empty the house of its furniture.