The Limited Times

Today is National Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying - Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM)

2/7/2024, 1:12:50 PM

Highlights: These days we celebrate Safer Internet Day and the World Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying. The monitoring data, conducted on these issues by the Ministry of Education on a sample of more than 185 thousand students and more than 44 thousand teachers. "Face-to-face" bullying affected 26.9% of those interviewed and sees 17.5% of the sample as active. In the digital mode, the numbers reveal 8% of students interviewed in the role of victims and 7.2% as perpetrators of cyberbullying episodes.

These days we celebrate Safer Internet Day and the World Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying. (HANDLE)

These days we celebrate Safer Internet Day and the World Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying.

The monitoring data, conducted on these issues by the Ministry of Education on a sample of more than 185 thousand students and more than 44 thousand teachers in the 2022/23 school year, reveal that "face-to-face" bullying affected 26.9% of those interviewed and sees 17.5% of the sample as active.

In the digital mode, the numbers reveal 8% of the students interviewed in the role of victims and 7.2% as perpetrators of cyberbullying episodes.

    "The school has long been committed to cyberbullying - states the general secretary of the CISL Scuola, Ivana Barbacci - to protect minors from dangers that hide on the Internet: fraud, revenge porn, incitement to self-harm, anorexia and bulimia, harassment and denigration, and much more. The fight against these phenomena necessarily involves training that involves families, teachers and in particular students, exposed to the use of the Internet from a very young age".

    "In addition to the contacts already present in schools - continues Ivana Barbacci - it is necessary to promote an active role among students, who are often unaware of the social and judicial consequences of possible transgressions; for example, why not rely on those among them who may have drawn knowledge and skills from directly lived experiences, a role as a peer trainer?"

"In any case - underlines Barbacci - and especially on problems of this nature, the school cannot act effectively if it finds itself doing so alone. They find space explicitly in co-responsibility agreements. Just as it is fundamental that, in the event of measures taken against the pupils involved , let us never lose sight of the educational, and not merely punitive, purpose which is also required of disciplinary measures in schools".

   "However, of the very serious episode in Varese - concludes the general secretary of CISL Scuola - I want to highlight one aspect above all: that of the concern expressed by the teacher, who was hospitalized, for the pupil who had attacked her. This explains, better than any speech, what it means for a teacher, that caring which is a fundamental part of his professionalism. And he questions all of us on why, today, care professions often end up at the center of episodes of violence: a sign, among other things, of how much the community does not consider them enough importance and value".

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