The Limited Times

Closed flowers fall off: pay attention to correct transport

2/9/2024, 9:34:12 AM

Highlights: Closed flowers fall off: pay attention to correct transport. Especially in winter, flowers are exposed to high temperature fluctuations. In the cold, the vascular bundles in the stem contract, making water absorption more difficult. So-called “Blumenfrisch”, which is often included in bags with the cut flowers, can support flowering. Don't place flowers that have already opened next to those that are still closed. Similar to fruits and vegetables, these emit the gas ethylene, which affects the neighboring plants and causes them to wither.

As of: February 9, 2024, 10:22 a.m

By: Joana Lück




When you buy cut flowers whose buds are still closed, there is great anticipation.

But what to do if the flowers don't bloom?

Fresh cut flowers enhance your own four walls in no time.

However, the effect only occurs when the flowers actually bloom.

If tulips and lilies do not go beyond the bud stage and then fall off completely after a few days, this is annoying.

To prevent this from happening, you should follow these tips.

Lilies often affected

Lilies are known for their buds sometimes not wanting to open.

© Yulia Yaspe 1979/Imago

Especially in winter, it often happens that cut flowers do not fully open and then simply fall off in the bud stage.

Lilies in particular are often affected by this phenomenon.

They stop rising and “fall asleep”.

Consider the following tips:

  • When purchasing, make sure that the flowers are already slightly open.

    Then it will be a little easier for the flowers to open at home.

  • Cut the cut flowers again before placing them in water.

    Preferably at an angle, as this guarantees maximum water supply.

    If you feel that the flowering is still not optimal, repeat the process after a day.

  • Transport the flowers well packaged.

    Especially in winter, flowers are exposed to high temperature fluctuations.

    In the cold, the vascular bundles in the stem contract, making water absorption more difficult.

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  • Make sure that the water in the flower vase is neither too cold nor too warm.

    Not only can flowers rot more quickly, as

    reports, but the water is also absorbed more poorly.

  • So-called “Blumenfrisch”, which is often included in bags with the cut flowers, can support flowering.

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advises not to place flowers that have already opened next to those that are still closed.

Similar to fruits and vegetables, these emit the gas ethylene, which affects the neighboring plants and causes them to wither.

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