The Limited Times

Criticism of Japan after leak in Fukushima: “Disorderly management”

2/9/2024, 5:33:25 AM

Highlights: Criticism of Japan after leak in Fukushima: “Disorderly management”. The leaked water was estimated to contain about 22 billion becquerels of radioactive substances. The all-clear was also given by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which confirmed that there were no significant fluctuations in the radiation measurements recorded at the site. The event poses no threat to the public and there are no impacts on the environment outside the site, the IAEA said. The contaminated water remaining in the pipes was disposed of during an equipment inspection.

As of: February 9, 2024, 6:19 a.m

By: Christoph Gschoßmann




The Fukushima nuclear power plant continues to generate headlines.

A leak releases 5,500 liters of radioactive water.

Tokyo – 13 years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but the radioactive danger still exists.

Recently, Japan discharged contaminated water into the sea and received criticism from China.

Now there is excitement about a leak from which around 5,500 liters of radioactive water are said to have leaked.

As the public broadcaster NHK reported, these emerged from an “exhaust pipe of a building” that houses equipment for cleaning contaminated water.

The water collected in a large puddle, but nothing outside the facility was contaminated.

There has been a dispute in Germany about the end of nuclear power for months.

Breakdown in Fukushima: “Water leak from the exhaust pipe of a building”


reported that workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant "discovered water leaks outside the exhaust pipe of a building that houses a purification system that removes radioactive materials from contaminated water." The leaked water was water that contained radioactive materials.

The tanks with the cooling water on the site of the Japanese nuclear ruin Fukushima.

© Uncredited/Kyodo News/AP/dpa

The spilled water was estimated to contain about 22 billion becquerels of radioactive substances that emit gamma rays, such as cesium-137, well above the national standard of 100 million becquerels.

China criticizes Japan over Fukushima: “Disorderly management”

There was renewed criticism of the plant's Japanese management.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan said on Thursday (Feb 8) that repeated accidents in the treatment of nuclear-contaminated water in Fukushima have exposed the "disorderly management" of TEPCO and the government in Tokyo.

Beijing recently sharply criticized Tokyo for its plan to dump contaminated water into the sea.

In March 2011, the east coast of Japan was hit by a severe earthquake and tsunami.

As a result of the natural disaster, 18,000 people died.

It also resulted in the failure of the cooling system at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and a core meltdown occurred in three of the six reactors.

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Fukushima leak: Soil near the Fukushima leak is being removed

The contaminated water remaining in the pipes was disposed of during an equipment inspection.

A valve that should have been closed was opened and water came out.

The leak only closed when the flow of water inside the device was stopped.

A puddle of water about four square meters in size and one millimeter deep had formed on an iron plate outside the building.

To be on the safe side, Tepco wants to remove soil from the area.

The all-clear was also given by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which confirmed that there were no significant fluctuations in the radiation measurements recorded at the site.

The statement also said the leaked water came from the water filtration system “as part of ongoing decommissioning work at the site.”

“The event is not related to the discharge of treated water from the ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System),” the IAEA said.

The event poses no threat to the public and there are no impacts on the environment outside the site.


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