The Limited Times

Heating in the bedroom: How many degrees are comfortable at home?

2/12/2024, 10:17:01 AM

Highlights: Heating in the bedroom: How many degrees are comfortable at home?. According to consumer, “at least 16 degrees” is best. The Federal Environment Agency recommends opening the windows fully several times a day and ventilating briefly and vigorously for five minutes. Leave the windows tilted at night - but not when the heat is on. You should also make sure there is enough fresh air. Shock ventilation is recommended during the heating season. A tidy and well-kept ambience also generally ensures more well-being.

As of: February 12, 2024, 11:01 a.m

By: Anne Hund




It should not be too warm or too cool in the bedroom.

A few guidelines for heating can help.

How warm should it be in the bedroom at night?

This question concerns many residents in spring, when the nights outside are often even cooler.

Turn the radiator up and down?

This much is certain: If the temperature outside drops, that doesn't mean you should freeze inside.

It should feel pleasant and you should be able to recover well while sleeping.

That's why a temperature of 16 to 18 degrees is recommended in the bedroom.

Good to know: With level two on the radiator thermostat you can achieve a room temperature of around 16 degrees.

According to the website of the Federal Environment Agency, heating too little is not recommended.

“It becomes uncomfortable and the risk of mold increases.”

The bedroom should be comfortable - but not too warm.

(Symbolic image) © AndreyPopov/Panthermedia/Imago

Heating in the bedroom: Around 17 degrees is recommended

At the same time, you want or should heat as economically as possible - for the sake of the environment and with a view to your own heating bill.

According to the Federal Environment Agency, temperatures in living areas should not be more than 20 degrees, as long as the temperature is perceived as “comfortable”.

17 degrees is recommended in the bedroom.

According to


“at least 16 degrees” is best.

It says there shouldn't be “too warm” in the bedroom, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well.

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Leave the windows tilted at night - but not when the heat is on

You should also make sure there is enough fresh air.

Shock ventilation is recommended during the heating season.

On its website, the Federal Environment Agency recommends opening the windows fully several times a day and ventilating briefly and vigorously for five minutes.

This is better than leaving the windows permanently tilted.

The cooler the room temperature, the more often it needs to be ventilated to prevent mold from forming due to moisture.

“Tilt ventilation carries the risk of mold formation due to condensation on the edge areas of the windows, is not very effective and wastes expensive heating energy if the thermostat on the radiator is not turned down.”

A tidy and well-kept ambience also generally ensures more well-being in the bedroom.