The Limited Times

Da Soldi is very disappointed with Sergio's note - News

2/13/2024, 4:12:29 PM

Highlights: Da Soldi is very disappointed with Sergio's note - The president shared neither the content nor the method (ANSA) The reputational impact on Rai, which as a public service it has the duty to guarantee pluralism and respect all positions, it has been very strong, encouraging the public's perception of a divided and biased company. The Democratic Party, 'Censorial obtuseness', La Russa: 'One-way festival on the Israel-Palestine affair'

The president shared neither the content nor the method (ANSA)

 Extreme disappointment: this - according to what we learn - is the reaction of the Rai president, Marinella Soldi, for the release of the statement by the CEO of Rai, Roberto Sergio, on the Israeli-Palestinian affair.

Soldi preferred not to intervene publicly on the matter so as not to create further problems for the company, but he would not have liked either the content of the note, on a very delicate, divisive subject with many nuances, or the method, as there was a lack of any sharing between the top management corporate. 

The president - we further learn - comforting herself with the CEO, also complained about a lack of reflection and caution, even in the choice to have the statement read on a broadcast like Domenica In. According to Soldi, the reputational impact on Rai, which as a public service it has the duty to guarantee pluralism and respect all positions, it has been very strong, encouraging the public's perception of a divided and biased company.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Sanremo, opposition against Rai and Venier, 'bad page' - News - Rain of criticism on social media for Venier.

The Democratic Party, 'Censorial obtuseness'.

La Russa: 'One-way festival on the Israel-Palestine affair'.

Rai councilor Di Pietro: 'Greater collegiality is needed' (ANSA)

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