The Limited Times

Russia seeks to develop space nuclear weapon, US intelligence says

2/14/2024, 11:29:38 PM

Highlights: Russia seeks to develop space nuclear weapon, US intelligence says. Republican elected official in Congress warned of a “threat to national security” According to American media, he was referring to Russia's nuclear capabilities. Officials interviewed by US media described it as "serious", adding that it had not yet been deployed, was not in orbit and was still under development. “This is not an urgent threat to the United States, Ukraine or European or American allies,” writes the prestigious New York newspaper.

A Republican elected official in Congress warned of a “threat to national security”. According to American media, he was referring

The United States is concerned about Russia's nuclear capabilities.

This Wednesday, a statement from Michael R. Turner, chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives, raised a wave of panic.

The Republican parliamentarian warned of “a threat to national security” linked to a destabilizing foreign military capability” so serious that Joe Biden should, according to him, declassify “all information” about it.

According to information from ABC News and the New York Times, this information concerns Russia.

Moscow would like to develop a nuclear weapon to send it into space.

This would not be intended to target the Earth, but rather to potentially attack satellites.

A serious but not urgent threat

After this outing which exasperated Washington, the White House national security adviser sought to allay public concerns.

According to the New York Times, the United States informed Congress and its European allies of this new Russian capability.

Officials interviewed by US media described it as "serious", adding that it had not yet been deployed, was not in orbit and was still under development.

“This is not an urgent threat to the United States, Ukraine or European or American allies,” writes the prestigious New York newspaper, relaying the words of an official source.

There would be no question of declassifying this information.

Making them public could cut off American intelligence from certain sources, authorities fear.