The Limited Times

German (38) arrested in Saint Petersburg – he had gummy bears in his luggage

2/15/2024, 4:41:59 AM

Highlights: German (38) arrested in Saint Petersburg – he had gummy bears in his luggage. He now faces a prison sentence. Possession of cannabis is currently still illegal in Germany. The federal government is planning to legalize cannabis from April 1, 2024. As of: February 15, 2024, 5:31 a.m By: Julia Stanton CommentsPressSplit In Saint Petersburg, a man was arrested at the airport for cannabis possession. A test showed that these contained tetrahydrocannabinol (THC for short), the main active ingredient of cannabis.

As of: February 15, 2024, 5:31 a.m

By: Julia Stanton




In Saint Petersburg, a man was arrested at the airport for cannabis possession.

(Symbolic image) © Maksim Konstantinov/Imago

A German is in custody in Russia because customs discovered an illegal substance when he entered the country.

He now faces a prison sentence.

Saint Petersburg – A German citizen was arrested at Saint Petersburg Airport on Tuesday (February 12).

Customs employees found gummy bears containing cannabis in the 38-year-old's luggage.

According to Spiegel

, the Russian authorities said

that the man was carrying a package weighing around 20 grams, which contained six black and brown gummy bears with a pungent smell.

A test showed that these contained tetrahydrocannabinol (THC for short).

This is the main active ingredient of cannabis, which is classified as illegal in Russia.

Criminal proceedings for drug smuggling were then immediately initiated.

The man could now face a prison sentence of up to seven years.

He is currently in custody.

German arrested in Russia: Used cannabis gummy bears for restful sleep

According to his own statements, the traveler used the gummy bears that he had purchased in Germany in order to have a restful sleep during the flight.

According to authorities, the man had flown from Hamburg via Istanbul to St. Petersburg to meet a woman he had met on the Internet.

The Foreign Office announced on Wednesday morning (February 14) that the Consulate General in Russia had already been informed of the arrest by the Russian authorities.

In addition, contact was made with the accused's lawyer.

Possession of cannabis is currently still illegal in Germany.

However, that is set to change soon: The federal government is planning to legalize cannabis from April 1, 2024.

Russia denies German diplomats access to arrested German

However, Spiegel


it has information that Russia is currently prohibiting German diplomats from having direct access to the detainee.

This also means that the officers there do not yet have any precise information about the arrest.

This is not the first time that people arriving in Russia have been arrested for cannabis possession.

On February 17, professional basketball player Brittany Griner was arrested at the airport because there were vape cartridges containing cannabis oil in her luggage.

Just a week later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Griner was not released until December 2022.


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