The Limited Times

Death of Alexeï Navalny: the “Arctic Wolf” penal colony, a terrible tomb for the Russian opponent

2/16/2024, 3:32:31 PM

Highlights: Alexeï Navalny died in the IK-3 penal colony, nicknamed “Arctic Wolf’, where he was transferred in December. He was to temporarily serve his 19-year prison sentence for "extremism" The 47-year-old political opponent reappeared on January 10, emaciated, with a shaved head, during a filmed hearing. A prison built beyond the Arctic Circle in place of a former gulag, it is a strict regime establishment.

It was in the IK-3 penal colony, nicknamed “Arctic Wolf”, where he was transferred in December, that the opponent of Vladimir Pout

He died slowly in the freezing cold of Siberia, alone, thousands of kilometers from his family.

After years of fighting against the authoritarian regime of Vladimir Putin, Alexeï Navalny gave up the ghost this Friday, February 16, to IK-3, nicknamed “Polar Wolf”, Arctic Wolf.

A prison built beyond the Arctic Circle in place of a former gulag.

Vladimir Putin's number 1 enemy was transferred at the end of December to this strict regime establishment, where he was to temporarily serve his 19-year prison sentence for "extremism".

After a grueling journey of several days, the 47-year-old political opponent reappeared on January 10, emaciated, with a shaved head, during a filmed hearing.


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