The Limited Times

“Completely absurd”: Tuchel vehemently denies the alleged cabin announcement

2/17/2024, 3:10:06 PM

Highlights: “Completely absurd’: Tuchel vehemently denies the alleged cabin announcement. “I don't expect a runaway win from us, we expect a difficult pitch and an extremely difficult opponent with a very physical game” “It's pointless to pick out individuals, we didn't perform well as a team. Upamecano is ambitious and wants to take care of everything on the field. Sometimes that's too much, but it always comes from a good motivation’ “We hope we can knock the buck down tomorrow. But I expect a very strenuous game there”

As of: February 17, 2024, 3:57 p.m

By: Melanie Gottschalk




After two bitter defeats, FC Bayern has to play against VfL Bochum.

Points are mandatory there.

But coach Thomas Tuchel “doesn’t expect a runaway win”.

  • Thomas Tuchel makes it clear before the Bochum game: “It’s unsatisfactory in terms of sport”

  • Tuchel vehemently defends himself against the alleged dressing room announcement: “Completely absurd”

  • The live ticker for the Bayern press conference is available to read

+++ That concludes the press conference!

Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel on...

... Harry Kane's goal drought:

“Kane takes care of himself, he doesn't need me.

But I have rarely seen such a big discrepancy between training and games.

How he scores in training and how it takes place in the game.

But that is indicative of our current situation.

But everything is okay with Harry, as I said, he doesn’t need me.”

... the situation around de Ligt:

“He only got the stamp as the third central defender from the outside.

We will always think about who suits the opponent better.

In Leverkusen we chose Minjea Kim and Upamecano.

But we didn't want to take any risk that de Ligt would be finished by then.

We now have four central defenders and we will see from game to game who has the best form and who fits together best.

De Ligt came back from injury and then was out for a longer period at the start of the season and then you're fighting for your position at FC Bayern.

De Ligt was a little behind, but not in our estimation.”

...again about the game against Bochum:

“I don't expect a deep, tactical, organized block that leaves us possession of the ball, rather an early start, lots of long balls, a lot of fighting for the ball. It's a completely new challenge.

It doesn't matter who comes there.

At Bayern it's about always getting up and sticking your head out into the storm.

We are still second in the table.

We don't need to be ashamed.

We don’t need pity.”

Tuchel makes it clear: “We have to and want to prove ourselves”

... the chance of the German championship and the Champions League:

“It goes without saying that after two defeats it is a bit inappropriate to talk about title chances. But our modesty should not be understood to mean that we are giving up.

But after this week we are certainly well advised to look at ourselves and influence what we can influence.

We want and have to prove ourselves.

But maybe the current situation will give us the kick to shed a bit of ballast.

There is no other way.

We need every player now.

The tiniest ego has to be left out now and you have to pull together, otherwise you won’t get through a stormy phase.”

... the game against Bochum:

“The most difficult thing is to get the lightness back.

I don't expect a runaway win from us, we expect a difficult pitch and an extremely difficult opponent with a very physical game.

There is endless sprinting, they try to impose their game on the opponent.

I expect a very competitive game.

I still think it wasn't far away for us to take the lead in the first few minutes in Rome.

If we have the opportunities now in Bochum, then it's about gaining trust through success.

We hope we can knock the buck down tomorrow.

But I expect a very strenuous game there.”

... Upamecano:

“We really wanted to get him fit.

He had two difficult players.

But it's pointless to pick out individuals, we didn't perform well as a team.

Upa is ambitious and wants to take care of everything on the field.

Sometimes that's too much of a good thing.

But it always comes from a good motivation.

But he has our trust.”

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Tuchel vehemently defends himself against the alleged dressing room announcement: “Completely absurd”

... the alleged “You’re not that good” sentence in the dressing room:

“As a coaching team, we will never place ourselves above the team.

The sentence that Dieter mentioned is completely absurd.

After a sentence like that, a coach hopefully won't get on the bus with his team again.

What's that supposed to mean?

We have never done that and never will.

We will continue to push our team and our entire staff, but always at eye level and always together.

Press spokesman Dieter Nickles previously made it clear that this sentence was never said: “That is simply not right and that is coming out through the media.

This has a toxic and undignified effect.”

... the criticism of the work after the defeats:

“I can completely understand that.

Normally I've gotten into the habit of not reading anything, but that's definitely happened since Leverkusen.

I know friends and family are hit harder by this than me because I just go back into my bubble and don't read anything.

I can imagine the magnitude of this.

I feel the tone of the questions after the defeats, I'm not naive and I've been doing this for a while.

Everyone has to decide for themselves how they report on us.

It does so much less to me than you can imagine.

I let it pass me by.”

Thomas Tuchel makes it clear before the Bochum game: “It’s unsatisfactory in terms of sport”

... difficult situations off the pitch:

“It's unsatisfactory in terms of sport, but compared to the past with a bomb attack and a Corona break that had nothing to do with your job, it's something different.

Because it is a sporting situation, the results are missing.

I wasn't happy with how we appeared before, but now it's time to pull ourselves out of it and see it as a challenge.

It’s sport at the highest level, but it also requires a positive atmosphere and a smile.”

... the mood after the two defeats:

“The mood is depressed, we really wanted to win the first leg.

At the moment it is only a first leg defeat and not yet an elimination from the Champions League.

That's how we want to classify it.

But everyone is trying very hard to change the mood.

This only works on the training ground.

We have the energy to initiate the turnaround.

This was a very bad week for us.

But there is still a game and giving up is not an option.

It goes on."

... Boey's injury and the staff in general:

“Unfortunately, Sascha is out with a muscle injury.

We fear a few weeks out, the player is a bit more positive, but he will miss the next few games.

Nobody will come back for Bochum.”

+++ 11.31 a.m.: And here we go!

Thomas Tuchel takes his place on the podium a little late.

Update from Saturday, February 17th, 11:15 a.m.:

It starts in 15 minutes, then Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel appears in front of the press representatives.

How does he react to Sascha Boey's failure?

We'll know more in a few minutes.

First report from Saturday, February 17th, 9:53 a.m.:

Munich – There are bitter days behind FC Bayern, but there is no time to rest.

After the 0-3 defeat against Bayer Leverkusen in the league and the 0-1 defeat in the Champions League against Lazio Rome, coach Thomas Tuchel's team has to play at VfL Bochum.

Bayern coach Tuchel at a loss after Lazio bankruptcy – win against Bochum is a must

The team is under a lot of pressure there because a win is actually a must.

“I am frustrated and angry about the defeat,” said Tuchel on the DAZN microphone after the game in Rome.

He couldn't explain FC Bayern's collapse in the second half.

“I have no idea, I have no idea.

We made a few changes and wanted to use Leroy on the left to perhaps cross dangerously into the penalty area.

Otherwise we haven’t really changed anything,” said Tuchel.

However, the Munich team were not actually dangerous against Rome.

Thomas Tuchel is at a loss after defeats against Leverkusen and Lazio Rome.

© Joerg Nieberga/imago

FC Bayern visiting Bochum: Is the game future-oriented for Thomas Tuchel?

It is now important to smooth things over with a win against Bochum.

The game could also be future-oriented for Tuchel.

One thing is clear: the club bosses are (still) publicly behind Tuchel.

“Of course he is struggling with the situation, which is very difficult for all of us.

Our goal is to fight our way out of this together.

We’re all in the same boat,” emphasized sports director Christoph Freund after the Lazio bankruptcy.

The coach himself blocked all questions about his future.

The news is certainly inconvenient that winter newcomer Sacha Boey has suffered a large fiber tear in the back of his left thigh.

He will be out for the next few weeks.

Nevertheless, the question remains: How does Tuchel want to turn things around?

He will answer this even more at the press conference on Saturday, February 17th, from 11:30 a.m.

With our live ticker you won't miss any news!


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